CBA Promotes 'Working Well With Others' in Professional Development Conference

February 20, 2017

Quick Facts

bullet point This year's conference theme is 'Strategies for Working Well With Others.'
bullet point Speakers will include several staff members from Winthrop Athletics, including Director of Athletics Ken Halpin.


ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - Winthrop University always strives to give students the edge in finding jobs and furthering their careers post-graduation.

This spring's Student Professional Development Conference on March 7, hosted by the College of Business Administration, will do just that with multiple workshops and a keynote address.

This year's theme, "Strategies for Working Well With Others," tackles issues as getting along with co-workers; building a trusting relationship with customers; and establishing a strong foundation of trust with supervisors.

Students can choose which workshops they'd like to attend based on two tracks-in-person sessions and online sessions-beginning at 9 a.m. The in-person sessions will take place in Vivian M. Carroll Hall.

At noon, Dr. Timothy Clare, founder of ProHealth and Wellness Chiropractic in Charlotte, North Carolina, will give the keynote address, "The Art of Building Relationships."

While the workshops are free, there is a $5 individual charge for lunch or a $40 fee for a group table of eight.

The full schedule is below:

8:30-9 a.m.: Opening Reception with registration and a continental breakfast in Carroll Hall and Macfeat

Track I: In-Person Sessions

9-9:50 a.m.: "Getting Along Well with Co-Workers- Skills for Every Entry Level Employee" (Gael Gilles, attorney at law; and Renae Myles, senior associate director of Winthrop Athletics)
10-10:50 a.m.: "Building Respectful Relationships with Supervisors — Why it Matters" (Director of Athletics Ken Halpin)
11-11:50 a.m.: "Cultivating Customer Relationships - The Value of Customer Satisfaction" (Christopher Aubrie '14, client relationship representative for KForce; Matthew Martin, associate athletic director of external operations at Winthrop Athletics)

Track II: Webinar Sessions

9-9:50 a.m.: "An Open Dialogue About Co-Worker Interpersonal Relationships" (Marilyn Martin, '00, '03, faculty member at Virginia College)
10-10:50 a.m.: "Supervisor or Direct Report- Having Relationships That Lead to Career Success" (Lisa Brown, strategy and process design, Bank of America; Roy Washington, retired supervisory special FBI agent)
11-11:50 a.m.: "Strategies for Cultivating a Trusting Relationship with Your Customer" (Karina Jones, president/CEO, Karina Jones Design; Punam Patel ˜12, manager, Palmetto Health)

Noon-1:30 p.m.: Luncheon, DiGiorgio Campus Center

To register or for more information, contact Barbara Burgess-Wilkerson at 803/323-2690 or

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