Faculty Members Recognized with Emeritus Status, Tenure and Promotion

June 26, 2023


  • The Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved emeritus status for seven retiring faculty members and two recently deceased faculty members.
  • Faculty tenure and promotion decisions are were approved at the board's June 23 meeting.


  • The Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved emeritus status for seven retiring faculty members and two recently deceased faculty members.
  • Faculty tenure and promotion decisions are were approved at the board's June 23 meeting.

The Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved emeritus status for seven retiring faculty members and two recently deceased faculty members at its June 23 board meeting. Also announced at the end of the academic year were tenure and promotion decisions.

The nine emeriti faculty members have contributed a combined total of 183 years of service, according to Interim Provost Peter Judge.

They are: Barbara Burgess-Wilkerson, professor of management; Kimberly Faust, professor of sociology; Steven Frankforter, professor of management; Janet Gray, professor of theatre and costume design; Jayne Maas, assistant professor of accounting; Guy Reel, professor of mass communication; and Evelyne Weeks, senior instructor of English. The late Abbigail Armstrong, associate professor of middle level education, and the late Kristi Schoepfer, professor of sport management, also received the designation, normally given to those who have taught for a decade at Winthrop.

The Board of Trustees also approved tenure and promotion decisions for faculty members taking effect in August as presented by the Division of Academic Affairs.

The 14 faculty members granted tenure are: in the College of Arts and Sciences, Victoria Frost and Jennifer Schafer, biology; Anna Igou and Valerie Jepson, world languages and cultures; Joseph Kasko, mass communication; and Ephraim Sommers, English; in the College of Business Administration, Danko Tarabar, economics, and Paul Wiegand, computer science; in the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Jennifer Bossi, exercise science; Tammy Burnham, Sarah Marie Catalana Berry and Minnie Mize, education core; Sherry Hoyle, counseling, leadership & educational studies; and Lauren Coffey, sport management.

The seven faculty members promoted from associate professor to professor are: in the College of Arts and Sciences, Anthony Hill, social work; Dustin Hoffman, English; and Brent Woodfill, sociology; in the College of Education, Joni Boyd, exercise science, and April Mustian, special education; and in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, Tracy Patterson and Kristen Wonderlich, music.

Promoted to the rank of associate professor from assistant professor are 16 faculty members: in the College of Arts and Sciences, Salvatore Blair and Jennifer Schafer, biology; Anna Igou and Valerie Jepson, world languages and culture; in the College of Business Administration, Paul Weigand and Anna Romanova, computer science; and Joanna Jackson, healthcare management; in the College of Education, Jennifer Bossi and Jacob Gdovin, exercise science; Tammy Burnham, Sarah Marie Catalana Berry and Minnie Mize, education core; Sherry Hoyle, counseling, leadership & educational studies; and Lauren Coffey, sport management; in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, Myles Calvert and Claudia O’Steen, fine arts.

For more information, please contact Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager, at 803/323-2404 or e-mail longshawj@winthrop.edu.

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