Family and Consumer Sciences Students Land National Scholarships

June 22, 2016

Quick Facts

bullet point Aniysa Raiford '16 will pursue graduate studies in her field at Ball State University.
bullet point Rachel Lyon will finish her senior year this fall.

Quick Facts

bullet point Aniysa Raiford '16 will pursue graduate studies in her field at Ball State University.
bullet point Rachel Lyon will finish her senior year this fall.

/uploadedImages/news/Articles/aniysaraiford.jpg Aniysa Raiford /uploadedImages/news/Articles/RachelLyon.jpg Rachel Lyon

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - The National Honor Society in Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)-Phi Upsilon Omicron-awards limited scholarships each year.

Despite this, two Winthrop University family and consumer sciences majors earned scholarships from the organization. The students are:

*Aniysa Raiford '16, of Blythewood, received the $750 Candle Fellowship for Graduate Studies; and
*Senior Rachel Lyon of Rock Hill received a $600 scholarship for undergraduate studies.

Family and Consumer Sciences Program Director Helyne Frederick said she is proud of the work of her FACS students, particularly their dedication to serving families and communities.

"Receiving this honor from a national organization committed to leadership, scholarship and service validates the efforts of our students and the FACS program," she said. "Having two Winthrop students recognized speaks volumes about the caliber of students Winthrop and the FACS program produce. I believe that as we recruit students, these success stories will help potential and current students understand the value of our family service work."

Raiford will pursue a master's degree in family and consumer sciences from Ball State University this fall. Lyon will return to Winthrop in August to complete her senior year.

For more information, contact Nicole Chisari, communications coordinator, at 803/323-2236 or

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