ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA — Internationally known gerontologist and Baby Boomer expert
Alexis Abramson will talk on the "Four Keys to Longevity" at the Nov. 1 Winthrop University Friends of the Library annual meeting.
The 6 p.m. event will take place in the Richardson Ballroom, starting with a reception
and then the 7 p.m. lecture.
Abramson is the resident expert on the 50+ crowd for NBC's "The Today Show." The Emmy
and Gracie award-winning journalist and author has also appeared on CBS, CNN, MSNBC,
among other channels. She has written "The Caregivers Survival Handbook," "The 55+
Fact Book," "The Medicare Resource Guide" and "Home Safety for Seniors," all of which
speak to a vital and growing population.
Dacus Library Dean Mark Herring said society hears a lot about millennials, Gen X-ers and others under 20 years of
age. Her lecture is for those older folks who have an interest in their future, in
their own longevity or how to care for aging parents.
Tickets are $50 each, and $25 each for Friends members and students.
For more information, contact Herring at 803/984-2700 or e-mail him at