Human Nutrition Student Wins State Award

May 02, 2017

Quick Facts

bullet point Wright is a human nutrition major living in Columbia, South Carolina.
bullet point She plans to work in public health nutrition after graduation.

Lauren Wright is on the far left

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - The South Carolina Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has awarded Winthrop University's Lauren Wright the Outstanding Dietetics Student Award.

Wright, a human nutrition major living in Columbia, South Carolina, received her award at the academy's annual meeting on April 27.

The award recognizes a student enrolled in a didactic program in dietetics who shows admirable academic achievement, leadership and professional experiences through honors courses, community service and student dietetic association activities.

"I feel very honored to have been selected," Wright said. "Winthrop has provided me many opportunities to grow as a student and to get involved in this field, so I am proud to represent Winthrop at the state level."

Human Nutrition Department Chair Wanda Koszewski nominated Wright for the award. Wright said she is appreciative of Koszewski's support during her time at Winthrop.

Wright will begin her dietetic internship through the university this fall. She hopes to work in public health nutrition once she graduates in December.

For more information, contact Nicole Chisari, communications coordinator, at 803/323-2236 or

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