Leadership Changes Announced for 2023-24 Academic Year

August 23, 2023


  • Interim Provost Peter Judge has four priorities for the academic year: promoting a culture of presence and accountability; revitalizing Winthrop’s academic portfolio; exploring possibilities for reorganizing the Division of Academic Affairs; and promoting better communication.
  • There are several new department chairs and 25 new faculty members this year.


  • Interim Provost Peter Judge has four priorities for the academic year: promoting a culture of presence and accountability; revitalizing Winthrop’s academic portfolio; exploring possibilities for reorganizing the Division of Academic Affairs; and promoting better communication.
  • There are several new department chairs and 25 new faculty members this year.

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – Interim Provost Peter Judge will lead Winthrop University’s faculty again this year while the search for a new provost continues. The new provost could start as early as January.

Judge, a professor emeritus of religious studies, came out of retirement last year to lend his expertise and institutional knowledge to President Edward Serna ’02 during his first year in office. During the academic year’s first Faculty Conference on Aug. 18, Judge told those in attendance that he has four priorities for the academic year: promoting a culture of presence and accountability; revitalizing Winthrop’s academic portfolio; exploring possibilities for reorganizing the Division of Academic Affairs; and promoting better communication for mutual support, health, and happiness among faculty, staff, and students. He also noted that the university hired 25 new faculty members, adding that Winthrop’s work on academic program efficiencies has made it possible to move ahead with strategic hiring.

In addition to Judge’s extended stay, there are other leadership changes in administrative roles on the dean and department chair levels. 

Ida Jane Dacus Library and Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections – Jackie McFadden, interim dean.

College of Arts and Sciences – Kristi Westover, chair of the Department of Biology; Nathaniel Frederick, chair of the Department of Mass Communication; and Greg Oakes, associate dean of the college and interim chair of the Department of Human Nutrition. 

College of Business Administration – Cara Peters, chair of the Department of Marketing and Management.

Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport and Human Sciences – Alice McLaine, interim chair of the Department of Physical Education, Sport, and Human Performance, and Tenisha Powell, interim director of the human development and family studies program.

College of Visual and Performing Arts – Mike Gentry ’08, director of the Winthrop University Galleries.

During the Aug. 21 Convocation ceremony, Judge urged first-year and transfer students to go to class, keep up with assignments and to stay engaged to maximize their college experience. Judge recalled words of Winthrop’s founding president, David Bancroft Johnson, who counseled students to decide right now what they will do to succeed.

“Faculty, staff and students have told me they feel a renewed energy and excitement on campus,” Judge said, “I’m looking forward enthusiastically to this new academic year.”

For more information, contact Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager, at longshawj@winthrop.edu or at 803/323-2404.

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