Lexington High School Wins the Winthrop Cup at Model United Nations

March 26, 2024


  • Held March 20-22, the program involved hundreds of students from 25 high schools across the Carolinas. 
  • An awards ceremony capped two days of deliberations over world events and this year’s theme, “The World of Tomorrow: Ensuring Prosperity and Empowerment through Technological Development.” 


  • Held March 20-22, the program involved hundreds of students from 25 high schools across the Carolinas. 
  • An awards ceremony capped two days of deliberations over world events and this year’s theme, “The World of Tomorrow: Ensuring Prosperity and Empowerment through Technological Development.” 

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – The Egypt delegation from Lexington High School won top honors March 22 at the 48th annual Model United Nations conference at Winthrop University.

Held March 20-22, the program involved hundreds of students from 25 high schools across the Carolinas. An awards ceremony capped two days of deliberations over world events and this year’s theme, “The World of Tomorrow: Ensuring Prosperity and Empowerment through Technological Development.” 

The overall award – the Winthrop Cup – went to the Lexington, South Carolina, high school.

The Secretariat Award went to the Summerville High School students who represented the member state of Albania. The award is given to the delegation which contributed greatly to the conference, whether it be through inspiring other delegations to do their best or through displaying exceptional preparedness.

The Geoffrey Bruce Award for the delegation acting most in character of its country went to the Bishop England High School delegation of Charleston, South Carolina, representing Gabon.

The Rookie Award was presented to North Central High School of Kershaw, South Carolina, who represented Israel.

Winthrop students recognized for their performance during the opening night General Assembly collegiate debate were: Seth Harrison, Israel; Maegan McLaurin, Mozambique; Abby McGhee, Italy; Roman Bennett-Jones, DRC; Eddie Williams, Singapore; Lizzy Barnes, Turkiye; and Ethan Seay, China. The Best Chair Award went to Donald Horack; most hardworking, Cali Gore; most dedicated, Sera Crookes; best volunteer, Sequan Dingle; and humor and positivity, Stormy Brown.

Various high school delegations also were recognized for writing outstanding resolutions or for exceptional debate and diplomacy in one of the different committees.

This year’s Secretariat operated under the student leadership of Ella Miller, secretary general; David Ibragimov, director general; and CeCe Haynes, coordinator general. The three worked with their advisor, Political Science Professor Jennifer Leigh Disney, to organize the 450-person conference and to coordinate Winthrop students’ participation.

For more information, contact Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager, at 803/323-2404 or longshawj@winthrop.edu.

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