Lightning Strikes Twice for Faculty in Mass Communication

April 12, 2016

Quick Facts

bullet point Habib joined the Winthrop faculty last year.
bullet point This is the second time a Winthrop mass comm faculty member has won a fellowship from the Advertising Educational Foundation.

Sabrina Habib

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - Lightning has struck twice in the Department of Mass Communication at Winthrop University: a second faculty member has secured a competitive Advertising Educational Foundation Visiting Professorship (AEF).

Assistant Professor of Mass Communication Sabrina Habib
will spend part of this June working with different departments at at the ad agency Young & Rubicam in New York.

Habib is one of 16 professors chosen this year by the selection committee to explore the day-to-day operations of an advertising agency, exchange ideas between the two industries and develop closer ties to academics. The group was selected from a pool of 50 applicants nation-wide.

"The fellowship is very competitive, so it feels incredible to have this opportunity," Habib said. "Advertising is a very fast-paced and ever-changing discipline. I believe this will help me gain insight into current and future trends that will be important for my students and my own scholarly research."

Habib joined the Winthrop faculty last year. She previously taught strategic and visual communication at the University of Texas at Arlington. She holds a Ph.D. in journalism and mass communication from the University of Florida.

Professor of Mass Communication Padmini Patwardhan completed an AEF fellowship in 2006 in New York, where she worked at DDB, a leading global ad agency.

For more information, contact Habib at 803/323-2121 or

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