Nov. 1 Panel to Talk About Carolina Coverage of Upcoming Election

October 31, 2016

Quick Facts

bullet point The event at 018 Kinard Hall begins at 7 p.m. and will last until 8:30 p.m.

/uploadedImages/news/Articles/Hillary-Clinton1.jpg Hillary Clinton /uploadedImages/news/Articles/donaldtrump3.jpg Donald Trump

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA — Three regional journalists and a political science professor will appear at Winthrop University on Nov. 1 to talk about "Carolina Coverage: Whose Election is This, Anyway?"

The event at 018 Kinard Hall begins at 7 p.m. and will last until 8:30 p.m. The host for the panel discussion is Aimee Meader, an assistant professor in Winthrop's Department of Mass Communication.

Bill Schulte, one of the organizers and an assistant professor of mass communication, said the event speakers also will talk about the history of the media's relationship with elections and the tone elections have taken in the past. There will be a live tweet so the audience can ask questions. 

On Nov. 8, the nation will pick its next president and a host of other elected officials on the national, state and local level. Running as the Republican Party nominee for president is Donald Trump and the Democratic Party nominee is Hillary Clinton. There are also some third party candidates on the ballot.

"This election season audiences have been inundated with a wide spectrum of information causing messages, meaning and even reality to be obscured," Schulte said. "The goal of this panel is to unpack some of those messages so the community can make the most informed decision on Election Day."

The panelists are:
Mary Curtis - columnist at Roll Call and an award-winning journalist, trainer and speaker
Jim Morrill — political reporter for the Charlotte Observer
Tom Bullock — reporter at WFAE-FM Charlotte, the National Public Radio affiliate
Jennifer Disney — professor and chair of Winthrop's Department of Political Science

The event is free and open to the public and is an approved cultural event for students. Sponsors are the Winthrop Society of Professional Journalists, the Winthrop Association of Black Journalists and the Department of Mass Communication.

For more information, contact Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager, at or call 803/323-2404.

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