President Mahony to Hold Third Annual State of the University Address

October 08, 2018

Quick Facts

bullet point President Mahony will present the third annual State of the University address on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 11:15 a.m.
bullet point Mahony will provide updates on initiatives to drive enrollment, retention, student success, diversity and fundraising.
bullet point The State of the University Address is open to the public and is an approved cultural event for Winthrop students.

President Dan Mahony

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA — Winthrop University President Dan Mahony will present the third annual State of the University Address on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 11:15 a.m. in the DiGiorgio Campus Center's Richardson Ballroom.

During the address, Mahony will provide updates on initiatives to drive enrollment, retention, student success, diversity and fundraising. Those initiatives were identified along with five goals that Mahony introduced at the 2016 inaugural State of the University Address where he unveiled the university's strategic plan entitled "The Winthrop Plan: A Strategy to Become a National Model for a Student-Centered University Experience."

Currently, five action groups are tracking progress on the goals outlined in the Winthrop Plan. The creation of these action groups assists in continuing the progress that already has been accomplished in the last two years, in addition to providing an additional layer of transparency throughout the process.

The strategic planning process began in fall 2015. Mahony met with members of each department and office to gather feedback that would start to shape the planning process. The plan development was led by a strategic planning committee comprised of faculty, staff and students, with the support of seven working groups which focused on key areas of priority. Their work ultimately provided the basis for the strategic plan that Mahony debuted in 2016.

The State of the University Address is open to the public and is an approved cultural event for Winthrop students. For those who cannot attend, the presentation will be available for viewing in real time via Facebook Live on Winthrop's page, and a video of the full presentation will be available at within a few days of the event.

For more information, please contact Monica Bennett, director of communications, at or 803/323-2236.

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