Students to Present Undergraduate Research at SOURCE Event

April 09, 2024


  • Hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research, SOURCE includes work from all five academic colleges on campus and will be from noon-5 p.m. on Friday, April 12. 
  • Students will proudly present their research and creative projects campus-wide in the form of performances, oral and poster presentations, workshops and gallery exhibitions, many running concurrently. 

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – Winthrop University students, faculty, staff, alumni and the community can come together and support the display of students’ amazing research at the annual Showcase of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (SOURCE), scheduled for Friday, April 12, on campus. Hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research, SOURCE includes work from all five academic colleges on campus. 

Students will proudly present their research and creative projects campus-wide in the form of performances, oral and poster presentations, workshops and gallery exhibitions, many running concurrently. 

The numbers for 2024 are some of the biggest to date, including:

*192 overall presentations, which include 97 poster presentations, 89 oral presentations and six performances.

*269 total abstracts and 385 authors featured in the SOURCE abstract book.

*116 Winthrop faculty/staff who served as mentors.

This year’s schedule: 

Poster Sessions

Session 1 – 12-1:30 p.m., Johnson Hall
Session 2 – 2:30-4 p.m., McBryde Hall

Live Performances

12-1:45 p.m., Johnson Theatre

Oral Presentations, Session 1 – Education, Government and Politics; Gender, Equality and Social Class; Policy, Economy and Education; Democracy and International Relations

12-1:30 p.m., 221 West Center, 217 West Center, 101 Johnson Hall, 220 DiGiorgio Campus Center

Design Expo 
12-1:30 p.m., 114 DiGiorgio Campus Center, 219 West Center

Art Expo

12-2:50 p.m., 221 DiGiorgio Campus Center

Interior Design Capstone Showcase

12-1:30 p.m, 223 DiGiorgio Campus Center

Oral Presentations, Session 2 – Representation, Equity and Lived Experiences

2:30-4 p.m., 217 West Center

Science Showcase
2:30-4 p.m., 223 DiGiorgio Campus Center

Technology and Machine Learning
2:30-3:30 p.m., 221 DiGiorgio Campus Center

Literature and Media
2:30-4:15 p.m., 220 DiGiorgio Campus Center

Healthcare and Mental Health
2:30-4 p.m., 221 West Center

Interior Design Expo

2:30-4 p.m., 219 West Center

Design Expo

2:30-4 p.m., 114 DiGiorgio Campus Center

As in the past, Nick Grossoehme, professor of chemistry and director of undergraduate research, noted SOURCE is a “remarkable experience.”

About Undergraduate Research on Campus 

Recognizing that undergraduate research is one of the “High-Impact Practices” identified by the American Association of Colleges and Universities — which refers to a practice that contributes to student engagement and persistence —Winthrop has worked particularly hard to offer opportunities to students in all majors to participate in the creation of projects reflecting their original work. 

For more information, contact Nick Grossoehme at 803/323-3397 or 803/323-4955 or e-mail You can also visit the Undergraduate Research website.

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