Winthrop Introduces Three New Programs to Fit Job Market

August 20, 2020


  • The three are: Bachelor of Arts in data science; Bachelor of Science in applied software development; and Bachelor of Science in educational studies.

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – Winthrop University will introduce three new undergraduate degree programs this fall. 

The three are: 

*Bachelor of Arts in data science; 

*Bachelor of Science in applied software development; and 

*Bachelor of Science in educational studies. 

Earlier this year when presenting information on the programs to the Winthrop Board of Trustees, Provost Adrienne McCormick noted that these three offerings are timely and necessary to provide Winthrop students with degrees to fit the needs and demands of the current job market. 

The Bachelor of Arts in data science is ideal for students with high quantitative reasoning skills who are interested in mathematics and computer science and who want to solve data-driven problems in a variety of disciplines. There is currently only one undergraduate program in data science in the Carolinas. 

The Bachelor of Science in applied software development is targeted to students who have completed an associate’s degree in applied science in computer technology, a programming specialization degree from a South Carolina technical college. 

The Bachelor of Science in educational studies will help students who decide later in their academic career to pursue teacher certification in early childhood education, elementary education, middle-level education or special education. 

For more information on the data science and applied software development programs, contact the College of Business Administration at 803/323-2186. For information on the educational studies program, contact the Richard W. Riley College of Education at 803/323-2151.

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