Winthrop to Celebrate Graduates, Award Honorary Degree at Dec. 16 Commencement

December 08, 2023


  • President Edward Serna `02 will recognize John Winthrop’s efforts, along with the achievements of around 235 undergraduates and 75 graduate students who wrap up their college career this month.
  • Students who graduated in August – around 30 undergraduates and nearly 100 in the master’s programs – also are invited to participate.
  • The keynote speaker is Marketing Professor Jane Thomas who was recognized in May as the university’s Distinguished Professor. 


  • President Edward Serna `02 will recognize John Winthrop’s efforts, along with the achievements of around 235 undergraduates and 75 graduate students who wrap up their college career this month.
  • Students who graduated in August – around 30 undergraduates and nearly 100 in the master’s programs – also are invited to participate.
  • The keynote speaker is Marketing Professor Jane Thomas who was recognized in May as the university’s Distinguished Professor. 

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – Winthrop University will recognize a significant past connection and celebrate graduates’ bright futures during the Dec. 16 Commencement exercises. The 11 a.m. ceremony will be held at the Winthrop Coliseum.

The past connection comes in the form of an honorary degree for John Winthrop, whose ancestor provided seed money to start the university. The Charleston, South Carolina, businessman upholds the family bond with the institution in various ways of support.

President Edward Serna `02 will recognize John Winthrop’s efforts, along with the achievements of around 235 undergraduates and 75 graduate students who wrap up their college career this month. Students who graduated in August – around 30 undergraduates and nearly 100 in the master’s programs – also are invited to participate.

The keynote speaker is Marketing Professor Jane Thomas who was recognized in May as the university’s Distinguished Professor. Her message about how one person can make a difference should interest graduates and the audience. 

A faculty award will be given to Shelley Hamill, the health professor who serves as the chief faculty marshal. She is this year’s recipient of the James Pinckney Kinard and Lee Wicker Kinard Award for Excellence in Teaching. Hamill joined the Winthrop faculty in 1998 and has more than 30 years of teaching experience at the elementary, middle and collegiate levels.

In addition, Serna will present graduating undergraduates who hold the highest GPAs with the President’s Award.

Traffic Expected Around Coliseum

Rock Hill residents who are not attending the Commencement ceremony may want to stay away from the Winthrop Coliseum area due to the heavy traffic anticipated during the event. Signs will be posted near the coliseum encouraging those not attending to take a different route.

For those who cannot attend the Dec. 16 ceremony, they may view the live stream on YouTube.

Please visit the university's homepage and click on the "Commencement Information" graphic to access the live stream and other important information regarding Commencement.

For more information, contact Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager, at 803/323-2404 or

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