Winthrop to Establish Honors College that Leads with Leadership

April 11, 2024


  • Provost Sebastian van Delden said that Honors College students, regardless of their major, will hone their leadership acumen by participating in a required series of leadership development seminars, events, and mentorship sessions to include economic development and community leaders. 
  • He noted that the defined focus on leadership within the new college will be complemented by a reorganization of the Honors Program’s current home, University College, into the Office for Academic Student Excellence and Success (OASES).


  • Provost Sebastian van Delden said that Honors College students, regardless of their major, will hone their leadership acumen by participating in a required series of leadership development seminars, events, and mentorship sessions to include economic development and community leaders. 
  • He noted that the defined focus on leadership within the new college will be complemented by a reorganization of the Honors Program’s current home, University College, into the Office for Academic Student Excellence and Success (OASES).

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – The Winthrop University Board of Trustees recently gave university administrators the green light to launch by fall 2025 a leadership-focused Honors College at Winthrop. With the aim of producing the next generation of leaders, the college would be a high-impact workforce talent incubator for the region.

“Career readiness, mentorship and leadership are inextricably linked through the new Winthrop: United in Excellence strategic plan,” Winthrop President Edward Serna said. “A distinctive Honors College will be a hub for existing and new initiatives to coalesce in a bright future for our students. I appreciate the Board of Trustees’ support of this plan to elevate an already successful Winthrop program.”

Winthrop currently has an Honors Program offered through its University College. 

Provost Sebastian van Delden said that Honors College students, regardless of their major, will hone their leadership acumen by participating in a required series of leadership development seminars, events, and mentorship sessions to include economic development and community leaders. 

“Our Honors College will offer a truly unique experience for the most academically prepared students across South Carolina and the nation,” said van Delden. “By substantively partnering with the York County Regional Chamber of Commerce and recruiting prominent student mentors from Fortune 500 companies and organizations across the greater Charlotte area, our Honors College students will enjoy an unparalleled, highly personalized professional development and leadership experience. There is nothing else quite like it out there.” 

One of the York County Regional Chamber’s core strategic initiatives is leadership and talent development. “The Chamber is extremely excited about Winthrop University’s plans to develop an Honors College that leads with leadership,” said President and CEO Dean Faile. “We look forward to partnering and providing unique leadership experiences that include connecting honors students to industry and community leaders in our five-county service region.”

Hannah Switzer of Charleston is the current, two-term president of the Winthrop University Honors Association. She will attend Georgia State University College of Law after graduation in May 2024.

“I am truly so excited to see what Winthrop’s new Honors College will accomplish. The current program prepared me very well to step out into the professional world through specialized coursework, amazing faculty mentors, and networking, volunteering, and leadership opportunities. By leveling up this experience through a true Honors College equipped with a new repertoire of resources and professional connections, the sky’s the limit on what future Eagles will achieve,” Switzer said. 

van Delden noted that the defined focus on leadership within the new college will be complemented by a reorganization of the Honors Program’s current home, University College, into the Office for Academic Student Excellence and Success (OASES). OASES will continue to support academic advising, tutoring, peer mentoring, nationally competitive awards, undergraduate research, general education, the Common Book, the First Year Experience, the International Center, the Learning Excellent Academic Practices (LEAP) program, McNair Scholars, the TRiO Achievers program, transfer students, and other student support services.

For more information, please contact Sebastian van Delden,

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