This is the second time in two years that Winthrop has helped the College of Charleston, a fellow public higher education institution. In 2017, Winthrop hosted dozens of its students during Hurricane Irma.
This is the second time in two years that Winthrop has helped the College of Charleston, a fellow public higher education institution. In 2017, Winthrop hosted dozens of its students during Hurricane Irma.
ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – Winthrop University will host 118 College of Charleston students this week who have left their university due to the Hurricane Dorian evacuation.
The students left Charleston, South Carolina, at midday Tuesday, Sept. 3, and are expected to arrive at the Winthrop campus around 5 p.m. Depending on the storm, they will likely stay through at least part of the weekend.
The majority of the students will be housed on cots and mattresses in Richardson Ballroom in the DiGiorgio Campus Center. College of Charleston residence life staff members will accompany them on the trip and will monitor their stay in Rock Hill.
Winthrop staff members will give the Charleston students an Orientation session when they arrive so they can learn about the campus amenities available, including the West Center, Thomson Café, DiGiorgio Campus Center, among others. A list of activities on campus and in the community also will be provided.
The Charleston students also will be able to cheer on their women’s soccer team on Wednesday as they play the Lady Eagles. That game was moved to Rock Hill due to the impending storm.
This is the second time in two years that Winthrop has helped the College of Charleston,
a fellow public higher education institution. In 2017, Winthrop hosted dozens of its
students during Hurricane Irma.
For more information, contact Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager, at or 803/323-2404.