Dear Colleagues:
We have reached the midpoint of the fall semester, and it’s hard to believe that we’ll soon be talking about exams, Commencement and the holidays. As I’ve communicated before, I would like to thank each of you for doing your part to help us get to this point. We continue to have low numbers of COVID-19 on campus, and that is because the campus has remained vigilant in its efforts. Please get vaccinated if you haven’t already and continue implementing the mitigation strategies that we know work – masking, hand washing, social distancing, etc. Let’s keep up the great work!
As I usually do around this time each month, I would like to share with you a few items of interest below:
University Personality Study
As you may have already heard, we are undergoing a University Personality study to help us understand how to communicate Winthrop’s story more effectively across all areas and enhance our enrollment efforts. To be successful, we need your participation. A series of live, interactive virtual workshops are taking place this Wednesday, Oct. 20, and Thursday, Oct. 21 (held via Zoom). I urge you to find time in your schedule to join one of these sessions and contribute to this important project. You can view the session dates/times and RSVP here.
Campus Master Plan Survey
The Campus Master Plan process is progressing, and I encourage you to keep an eye
on your e-mail inbox for a survey that will provide the campus community with an additional
opportunity to provide insight and feedback to this important initiative. As always,
I appreciate the time that you are willing to give to this process as we all work
together to build the plans for Winthrop’s future.
Ghost Tours
This Halloween season, the Student Alumni Council will host two spine-tingling nights
of Ghost Tours on Oct. 29-30 in Tillman Hall beginning at 7 p.m. Join students and
your fellow colleagues to seek out the ghosts roaming Winthrop's halls. Do not miss
out on this frightening journey of twists and turns as some of Winthrop's most haunting
stories are shared. Tickets are $10 and must be purchased online. All proceeds will benefit the Winthrop Fund.
Fresh Check Day
Winthrop will hold its fifth Fresh Check Day on Thursday, Oct. 28, from 10 a.m.-2
p.m. on the Campus Green. Fresh Check Day, the signature program of the Jordan Porco
Foundation, is an uplifting mental health promotion and suicide prevention event that
is designed to “check in” on the mental health of our campus community members. The
free event will offer interactive booths, free food, giveaways and prizes. I encourage
you to stop by as well as promote the event to students.
Upcoming Board of Trustees Meeting
The Board of Trustees will hold its quarterly meeting Oct. 28-29. We will be discussing
a wide variety of topics from across the university during committee meetings as well
as at the full board meeting. Be on the lookout for the meeting agenda which will
be e-mailed to the campus community closer to the dates.
State Budget Request
The Division of Finance and Business Affairs has prepared and submitted the 2022-23
Agency Budget Plan to the State Department of Administration’s Executive Budget Office.
We are asking for the following:
Operational support for STEAM disciplines $2,000,000
Instructional scientific equipment replacement $1,700,000
Maintaining campus infrastructure $15,500,000
Interdisciplinary arts technology facility $9,000,000
Science complex renovation $9,000,000
Dacus Library renovation $7,000,000
TOTAL $44,200,00
Vice President for Finance and Business Justin Oates and I will present our request tomorrow at the Governor’s budget hearing as a first step in the budget process. This will narrow down into more specifics as the process moves forward with the Senate and House subcommittees.
Thank you all for everything that you do for Winthrop. Please know that your work is appreciated!
George W. Hynd
Interim President