Active for 2019-2020
Type of Organization: Honorary
Organization E-mail:
Purpose of Organization: First, to recognize those who have attained a high standard of efficiency in collegiate
activities and to inspire others to strive for conspicuous attainments along similar
lines. Second, to bring together the most representative students in all phases of
collegiate life and thus to create an organization which will help to mold the sentiment
of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate interest. Third, to
bring together members of the faculty and student body of the institution as well
as other Omicron Delta Kappa members on a basis of mutual interest, understanding
and helpfulness.
Organization Description: Omicron Delta Kappa, The National Leadership Honor Society for college students,
recognizes and encourages superior scholarship, leadership and exemplary character.
Planned Projects/Events: Leadership Development and Mentoring Programs, Community Service and Local Outreach