Meeting of Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Friday, June 19, 2015
Gold Room, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina
1:00 p.m.



  1. Call to Order
  2. Executive Session
  3. Public Comment if Requested
  4. Approval of Board Minutes of April 17-18, 2015, and August 19, 2013
  5. Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board 
    1. Resolution to Honor Ian Deas for Meritorious Service to the Board
    2. Resolution to Honor Debra Boyd for Meritorious Service to the University
    3. Resolution to Honor the President Search Advisory Committee for Meritorious Service to the University
    4. Resolution in Support of Knowledge Park
  6. Report from the Committee on Compensation
  7. Report from the Committee on Academic Quality
    1. Resolution to Confer Emeriti Faculty Status
    2. Resolution to Create the Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership
  8. Report from the Committee on Enrollment and Retention
  9. Report of the Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development
  10. Report of the Committee on Student Life and Athletics
  11. Report from the Committee on Finance
    1. Resolution Regarding Student Fees for Fiscal Year 2015-16
  12. Reports from the Representatives to the Board
    1. Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
    2. Report from the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders
  13. Report from the President
  14. Report of the Nominating Committee 
    1. Election of Officers for Fiscal Year 2015-16
  15. Old Business
  16. New Business
  17. Adjournment


Committee on Academic Quality 

Friday, June 19, 2015
Macfeat House
9 a.m.



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of April 17, 2015
  3. Consideration of a Resolution To Confer Emeritus Faculty Status
  4. Consideration of a Resolution To Create the Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership
  5. Tenure and Promotion Report
  6. Sabbaticals
  7. Report from Faculty Representative to the Board
  8. Report from Provost
  9. Old Business 
  10. New Business 
  11. Adjournment 


Committee on Compensation

Friday, June 19, 2015
Macfeat House
10:30 a.m.



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee minutes of April 17, 2015
  3. Update on the Competitive Compensation Study
  4. Update on the Implementation of the New Performance Appraisal Process (EPMS)
  5. Old Business 
  6. New Business
  7. Report of the Personnel Committee (Executive Session)
  8. Adjournment 


Committee on Enrollment and Retention

Friday, June 19, 2015
Baruch Room, Joynes Hall
10:30 a.m.



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of April 17, 2015
  3. Update on Enrollment and Retention — Summer and Fall 2015
  4. Utilizing Trustees in Student Recruitment Engagement
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
  7. Adjournment


Committee on Finance

Friday, June 19, 2015
Thompson Conference Room
9 a.m.  



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting of April 17, 2015
  3. Presentation by External Audit Firm
  4. Consideration of Resolution Regarding Student Fees for 2015-2016
  5. Status Update of the 2014-2015 Budget
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment


Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Friday, June 19, 2015
Room 223, DiGiorgio Campus Center
9 a.m.  



  1. Call to Order 
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of April 17, 2015
  3. Funds Raised to Date and Distinction Campaign 
  4. Realignment of Roles and Responsibilities
    • Advancement Services
    • Winthrop University Foundation
    • Alumni Relations and Annual Fund
    • Constituency Relations
    • Planned and Major Gifts
  5. Foundation Report
  6. Discussion and Suggestions from Committee
  7. Old Business 
  8. New Business 
  9. Adjournment


Committee on Student Life and Athletics

Friday, June 19, 2015
Room 223, DiGiorgio Campus Center
10:30 a.m.



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of April 17, 2015
  3. New Bookstore Contract with Barnes & Noble College
  4. Eagle Club Analysis
  5. Big South Annual Conference Update
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment