Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
November 4, 2016 | 1:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m. Gold Room, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comment if requested
  3. Executive Session
  4. Approval of Board Minutes of August 22, 2016
  5. Report from the Chair of the Board
  6. Report from the President
  7. Report of the Committee on Student Life and Athletics
  8. Report from the Committee on Compensation
  9. Report from the Committee on Academic Quality
    1. Resolution to Establish a Bachelor of Science in Special Education with Multi-categorical Teacher Certification
  10. Report from the Committee on Enrollment and Retention
  11. Report of the Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development
  12. Report from the Committee on Finance
  13. Reports from the Representatives to the Board
    1. Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
    2. Report from the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders
  14. Old Business 
  15. Adjournment    


Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
November 4, 2016 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Room 222, DiGiorgio Campus Center Winthrop University



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of June 10, 2016
  3. Marketing and Communications Update
  4. Advancement Update
  5. Winthrop University Foundation Update
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment   


Committee on Academic Quality

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
November 4, 2016 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Macfeat House | Winthrop University


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the June 2016 Meeting
  3. Resolution To Establish Bachelor of Science in Special Education with Multi-Categorical Teacher Certification
  4. SACSCOC Fifth-Year Report
  5. Cyber Security at Winthrop University
  6. Provost's Report
  7. Report from the Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees
  8. Other items
  9. Old Business
  10. New Business
  11. Adjournment   


Committee on Compensation

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
November 4, 2016 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Macfeat House | Winthrop University



  1. Call to Order/Introductions
  2. Approval of Committee minutes of June 10, 2016
  3. Update on Strategic Planning Initiatives
  4. Approval of Committee Duties to recommend to the full Board
  5. Report from VP for HR, Employee Diversity and Wellness
  6. Old Business/New Business
  7. Report of the Committee on Personnel Actions (Executive Session)
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment 


Committee on Enrollment and Retention

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
November 4, 2016 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Joynes Hall, Baruch Room | Winthrop University



  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of June 10, 2016
  3. Marketing / University Relations Update
  4. Branding and Web Design RFP Award
  5. Advertising Plan 2016-17
  6. Fall 2016 Enrollment and Retention Update
  7. Fall 2017 Goals and Recruitment Plan Overview
  8. Fall 2016 Clearinghouse Report Overview 
  9. Student Recruitment Search RFP Update
  10. Graduate School on-line RFP Update
  11. Old Business
  12. New Business
  13. Adjournment 


Committee on Finance

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
November 4, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Tillman Hall, Thompson Conference Room | Winthrop University



  1. Call To Order
  2. Approval of Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting of June 10, 2016
  3. Report from External Auditors Cline, Brandt and Kochenower
  4. Review of Committee Duties
  5. Review of the Budget
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment 


Committee on Student Life and Athletics

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
November 4, 2016 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
DiGiorgio Campus Center, Room 222 | Winthrop University



  1. Call to Order 
  2. Approval of Minutes of June 10, 2016
  3. Report on the 2016 Athletic Hall of Fame nominees
  4. Report on the personnel restructuring within Athletics and the role of the Athletic Director
  5. Report on the intended strategic planning process for Athletics
  6. Report on intended Gender Equity and Diversity initiatives for Athletics
  7. Report on the role and activities of the SC Campus Compact headquartered at Winthrop 
  8. Review of the Student Life Impact Report for 2015-16 Related to Student Success
  9. Discussion on Student Life's Professional Staff Development Mini-Conference 
  10. Briefing on the University's Voter Friendly Campus Initiative
  11. Old Business
  12. New Business
  13. Adjournment