Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Friday, June 28, 2019
Richardson Ballroom/Gold Room
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


Members present: Glenn McCall, Jane LaRoche, Tim Hopkins, Julie Fowler, Isaiah Venning, Randy Imler, Donna Glenn Holley, Sandra Stroman, Ashlye Wilkerson, Robby Sisco, Gary Williams, Janet Smalley, Kathy Bigham, and Dan Mahony (ex officio).

Members absent: Ed Driggers, Tim Sease

Representatives present: Ximena Perez, Student Representative; Michael Lipscomb, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None

Others present: Dr. Debra Boyd, Shelia Burkhalter, Evan Bohnen, Eduardo Prieto, Patrice Bruneau, Dr. Adrienne McCormick, Judy Longshaw, Tammie Phillips, Justin Oates, Karen Jones, Dr. Ken Halpin, Dr. Jennie Rakestraw, Dr. P.N. Saksena, Tim Drueke, Caroline Overcash, Lisa Cowart, Dr. Jack DeRochi, Amanda Maghsoud, Dr. Meg Webber, Dr. Takita Sumter, Kirk McSwain, Dr. Kimberly Faust, all of Winthrop University


The Board of Trustees met on Friday, April 12, 2019 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Chair McCall called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m. in the Richardson Ballroom. He welcomed all present. Dr. Jane LaRoche delivered an invocation.


FY2020 Budget Presentation

VP Oates discussed the all-funds approach to planning and budgeting for the university. This approach will analyze all funding sources and uses of funds, directly link revenue sources to expense coverage, view Divisional revenue and expenses by funding source, track controllable vs. non‐controllable revenue and expenses, as well as identify and properly steward unrestricted vs. restricted funding sources.

All-funds categories include Education and General (E&G), Student Activity, Auxiliary, Other Revenue, Vending, Plant Funds, Grants and Contracts, Restricted Gifts, Loan Funds, and GASB 68 and 75.

Given the Board of Trustees has only been presented with a portion of the revenue and expense activity in recent years, it will take some time to fully grasp the full financial profile. In FY2020, VP Oates will lead the Committee on Finance and the Board to focus on Unrestricted Net Position stabilization / future growth, the E&G, Student Activity, and Auxiliary Funds given they are driven by student revenue which has a fee component approved by the Board of Trustees, begin to layer in the Other Revenue & Vending Funding Sources given they are a portion of the Unrestricted Net Position and ultimately go to support operations and scholarships, enhance the plant fund activity reporting to support Master, Space, & Deferred Maintenance Planning, and to discuss Grants & Contracts and Restricted Gifts and how they impact the financial profile.

VP Oates also explained how building a budget in the early stages of an All‐funds transition can be complicated. He noted that it is important to agree on the major components of building the FY2020 Budget. Given the uncertainty of the Other Revenue Funds activity, it is difficult to ensure that there will not be a negative change to the Total Unrestricted Net Position in FY2020. Possible reasons the Net Position may decline include auxiliary facilities’ needs that can be supported with Net Position or Revenue Bonds, addressing the Athletics scholarship funding gap, program replacement needs which are supported with built‐up revenue from prior years, loss of contract courses which are scheduled to begin impacting the budget in FY20, and potential major events which carry financial risk as we work to establish our brand. The Finance Committee has set the Net Position Floor at $18M. If year-end results are better than $18M, then the difference between the year-end results and $18M can be used to support small capital project needs on campus.

Examples of budget models were shared with the Board. In reviewing the scholarship data, it was shown that Out-of-State Abatements increased by 5.7% and Public Service Grants increased by 21% while other total scholarships decreased $383K (3%) between FY18 and FY19.

In order to finalize a balanced budget based on the estimated revenue and expense changes compared to the FY2019 Forecast, Divisional Budgets will need to be reduced $2.5M with no fee increases.


Executive Session

Randy Imler moved with a second from Robby Sisco to move into executive session pursuant to South Carolina Ann. §30-4-70(a)(1) and (2) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain current and former university employees and for a discussion of proposed contractual arrangements. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Dan Mahony, Caroline Overcash, Ken Halpin, Justin Oates, and Kimberly Faust were invited to remain for portions of the executive session.

Donna Glenn Holley moved with a second from Ashlye Wilkerson to end the executive session and return to public session. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.



The meeting was recessed at noon with plans to resume at 1:00 p.m.



The Board reconvened the meeting at 1:07 p.m. in the Gold Room of the DiGiorgio Campus Center.


Approval of Consent Agenda

Kathy Bigham with a second from Sandra Stroman, moved to accept the consent agenda. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

The consent agenda included a number of resolutions for meritorious service to the Board. Chair McCall requested that each resolution be read aloud.

Dr. Julie Fowler read the resolution for meritorious service to the university for Dr. Debra Boyd. Dr. Boyd was commended for the many capacities in which she served Winthrop including in the English Department as faculty member, director of composition, and chair, director of the university's Office for Effective Teaching, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Acting President, and most recently as Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs. The university is especially grateful for her willingness to assume the position of Acting President during an important year of transition ensured the continuation of the mission-critical work of providing a high quality experience for our students.

Mr. Tim Hopkins read the resolution for Dr. Michael Lipscomb for his service to the Board as faculty representative. During his two-year tenure he demonstrated leadership on behalf of his faculty colleagues by clearly articulating the need for administration to address the threat of faculty burnout and offering several solutions that would provide appropriate support for faculty.

Ms. Janet Smalley read the resolution for Ximena Perez, chair of the Council of Students Leaders, for her service to the Board as the student representative. During her one year of tenure, she employed her concern for all people, her community spirit, and her experience as a student leader to ensure that Winthrop University continues its tradition of outstanding service to students and the campus community.

The resolution for former Trustee Don Long was presented to him at a social function with the Board on the evening prior today’s meeting. Mr. Long was celebrated for his eight years of distinguished service and participation on the Board on a variety of committees during the tenure of three Presidencies. His tenure on the Board has been characterized by his inquisitiveness, candor, and high level of commitment to education which will long be evident in the achievements of the University.


Executive Session

Gary Williams moved with a second from Janet Smalley to return to executive session pursuant to South Carolina Ann. §30-4-70(a)(1) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain current university employee. Kimberly Faust was invited to remain for the executive session.

Kathy Bigham moved with a second from Julie Fowler to end the executive session and return to public session. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.


Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair McCall reported the Executive Committee met on March 29, 2019. The Committee reviewed and approved the materials and resolutions being brought forth at this meeting.

Additionally, the Committee began the first phase of the State-mandated Agency Head evaluation of the President. Members reviewed the materials submitted in support of the Performance Planning Objectives, requested additional information, and received input from Dr. Michael Lipscomb, Faculty Representative to the Board and Ms. Ximena Perez, Student Representative to the Board.

Earlier today in Executive Session, Trustees reviewed the responses to the State Agency Head Performance Survey submitted by the individual Trustees, the input received from the Student and Faculty Representatives to the Board, and reviewed the President's performance in terms of the Performance Planning Objectives including the additional supporting materials.

Chair McCall called for a motion to award President Mahony a “Meets Expectations” in the Board's formal evaluation to be submitted to the State Agency Head Salary Commission based on his stewardship of Winthrop University during this past year.

Isaiah Venning made the motion, Janet Smalley seconded the motion to award a “Meets Expectations” to President Mahony. The vote was twelve in favor of the motion, one abstention, and two absent for the vote.


Report from the President

President Mahony congratulated the City of Rock Hill on its designation as an All-American City for the second time. Rock Hill first won in 1969. Each year the National Civic League awards the status to 10 communities in the United States. Judging is focused on civic engagement, collaboration, inclusiveness and innovation. Critical to Rock Hill’s win were the Miracle Park and Knowledge Park. Miracle Park is play space designed for people with special needs. Knowledge Park is a downtown revitalization plan including venues, restaurants, hotels and more. Given Winthrop’s key roles in both projects, Winthrop shares in this award with the City. Winthrop sponsored three employees’ travel to the award ceremony.

The president conveyed his thanks to the staff handling the new student orientations, the Foundation and Real Estate Foundation Boards for their work in restructuring the Real Estate Foundation, and Ximena Perez and Dr. Michael Lipscomb for their work in representing their constituencies to the Board of Trustees. He mentioned his pleasure at working with the faculty at the university. The President concluded his report by thanking Debra Boyd for her service as Provost.


Committee on Academic Quality

Chair Hopkins reported on the presentation by Dr. Katarina Moyon regarding the plans for engaging our students and others from South Carolina universities during the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, NC in August 2020.


Resolution To Confer Emeritus Status

Chair Hopkins brought forth upon recommendation of the Academic Quality Committee, a resolution to confer Emeritus Status to the following former faculty members, Ms. Janice Bradner, Instructor of Music; Mr. G. David Brown, Associate Professor of Design; Dr. Qidong Cao, Professor of Quantitative Methods, Dr. Janice Chism, Professor of Biology; Dr. Laura Dufresne, Professor of Art History; Dr. Cynthia Forrest, Associate Professor of Social Work; Dr. Karen Kedrowski, Professor of Political Science; Dr. Kathy Lyon, Professor of Psychology, Dr. Maria Clara Paulino, Associate Professor of Fine Arts; Dr. Donald Rogers, Professor of Music; Dr. Spiro Shetuni, Professor of Library Science; Dr. Martha Sue Spencer, Associate Professor of Education; and Dr. William Thacker, Professor of Computer Science.

As this resolution is from a Committee, no second is needed. Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

Provost Debra Boyd, in her final report as Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, notified the Committee of the faculty who have been tenured and/or promoted. Newly tenured faculty are Zach Abernathy, Diana Boyer, Monique Constance-Huggins, Adam Glover, Duane Neff, Matthew Stern, Adriana Cordis, Philip Gibson, Stephanie Lawson, A. Nicki Washington, Mary Slade, Tracy Patterson, and A. Seth Rouser. Newly promoted to full Professor are Diana Boyer, Robert Prickett, Frank Pullano, and Jeff Sinn. Newly promoted to Associate Professor are Fatima Amir, Joni Boyd, Monique Constance-Huggins, Adam Glover, Stephanie Lawson, Duane Neff, David Schary, and Matthew Stern.

The Committee also reviewed the changes in Tenure and Promotion protocols. Changes include limiting the portfolio review process for tenure to focus exclusively on materials contained in the portfolio and on the recommendations of the review bodies, candidates for tenure being permitted to review the unit committee recommendation and having an option to respond to that recommendation prior to its consideration by the dean. If that option is chosen, the candidate’s response letter must be included with all other evaluation letters, entering faculty of senior rank who have earned tenure at another accredited institution may be immediately reviewed and considered for tenure through a review process that includes the appropriate college dean, members of the University Personnel Committee, the Provost, and the President, and in the review of a candidate’s promotion, the dean’s recommendation and all materials are submitted to the Chief Academic Officer. The final version is not yet complete but the faculty conference approved most of these changes.

The Committee talked about potentially changing the names of the colleges to better reflect their academic offerings. The staff are gathering information that will be shared at a later date.

The Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS) received final approval from SACSCOC on May 20, 2019. August enrollment is estimated at 5 to 7 students with an additional 15 to 20 expected to begin in January 2020. A Program Coordinator was hired in February 2019. The search for a recruiter for adult students is underway with an employment start date of July 2019.

Provost Boyd discussed the future of the Think College at Winthrop. A limited number of these students with exceptional ability would greatly benefit from an extended program with a third and/or fourth year option to further develop their skills and workplace employability. Such an option has been requested by the parents and guardians of these students. Students may need courses at Winthrop and/or at York Tech; therefore, we are working with York Tech to bring YTC into the program as a partner school.

There will be a resolution for the Fall 2020 Board meeting regarding the third and fourth year options.

While Winthrop’s online MBA has been receiving a number of inquiries, appointments, and started applications there has been a drop in completed applications. Over one third of those applicants withdrawing have indicated it is our test requirement that causes them to stop the application process.

The recommendation from our Wiley partners is to change the GMAT waiver in order to recruit more students who are well qualified and can succeed in the program. Therefore, we will be implementing the GMAT waiver criteria from requiring a 3.5 overall GPA and a 3.75 GPA in the major to a 3.0 overall GPA and relevant work experience. This change would put us more in line with institutions that still require the GMAT but provide a waiver option.


Committee on Compensation

The Committee met on March 29 to review the pay philosophy as developed by Sibson Consulting firm after conducting seven focus group discussions on campus. Groups included Senior Leadership, Academic Administration, Instructional Faculty, Staff, and Facilities Management. Input was received from campus regarding the draft of the Pay Philosophy and the peer groups to which Winthrop will compare salaries. Next year, Winthrop’s project team and the Sibson consultants will work together to price match Winthrop positions. And, Winthrop’s job classification practices, non-instructional classifications and revised practices will be analyzed, reviewed, and updated.

Chair Bigham read aloud a statement summarizing the new pay philosophy and brought forth a motion from the Committee to accept it. A second was not needed. The statement is as follows:

Winthrop University values its dedicated, skilled, diverse, and inclusive workforce. Winthrop is committed to providing pay levels that are fair and competitive with those institutions and organizations with which we compete for talent and to addressing pay concerns of faculty and staff.

To that end, Winthrop will:

  • Develop and administer pay programs using competitive salary market data;
  • Develop and administer pay guidelines and a salary structure that are transparent to the Winthrop community and provides the basis for salary-related decisions; and,
  • Openly communicate the guidelines and structure with the Winthrop community

Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous.


Committee on Enrollment and Retention

Chair Julie Fowler reported the latest enrollment numbers to the Board. The Graduate School has reported an increase of 38 completed applications for Fall 2019 for all graduate programs. Undergraduate Enrollment projections for Fall 2019 are new freshmen between 1055 and 1075 and transfer students between 315 to 325. With the total projected increase of approximately 100 new students.

The Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS) program has been approved and work is being completed to establish processes and hire a recruitment coordinator. Also, the Graduate School and College deans are considering five additional online graduate programs for implementation in the future.

The Committee heard about the 2019-2020 planned recruitment activities including how in-state and out of state markets have been updated to highlight primary, secondary, and exploratory markets for recruitment; the new international recruitment plan that includes travel, updated outreach, and new partnerships; recommendation of an Academic Pathway and Transfer Advisor; the creation of a new Admissions Events Committee to increase collaboration across campus; new Alumni Send-Off events taking place this summer in Charleston and Columbia, and a new high school Counselor Advisory Committee being created to gather feedback, suggestions and information from guidance counselors in state and out of state.

The Committee also heard a fulsome report on the AWE (Academic Work Ethic) and how it might be used as a criteria to accept students and award financial aid.


Committee on Finance

Chair Randy Imler reported that Mr. Ben Kochenower was not able to attend the meeting. VP Justin Oates gave the audit update in his stead.

VP Oates presented an overview of the FY19 budget to the Committee that was a precursor to the presentation to the full Board earlier this morning. At the Committee meeting, members asked that the Net Position be maintained at a point no lower than $18 M.

Based on both budget presentations and discussions about incomplete data on divisional expenses, the Committee brought forth a motion to strike “operating budget” from the tuition, fees, and budget resolution. As this motion was from a standing committee, no second was needed. Chair McCall called for a vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of striking the verbiage related to the operating budget.

Committee Chair Imler then brought forth the revised tuition and fees motion that specified an increase of 0.5% in the tuition and required fees; an increase of 1% in campus based graduate programs, no increase in on-line graduate programs with the exception of a $200 per credit hour decrease in the online MBA program; an increase of 2% in housing; and a 3% increase in board (food service fees) and a $3 per credit hour increase for summer school fees. Chair McCall called for the vote as no second was needed. The motion failed with six affirmative votes and seven negative votes.

Gary Williams made a motion to set the tuition and required fees at zero with an increase of 1% in campus based graduate programs, no increase in on-line graduate programs with the exception of a $200 per credit hour decrease in the online MBA program; an increase of 2% in housing; a 3% increase in board (food service fees) and a $3 per credit hour increase for summer school fees. Ashlye Wilkerson seconded the motion. Chair McCall called for the vote. This motion also failed with six affirmative votes and seven negative votes.

Sandra Stroman made a motion to accept an increase of 0.5% in the tuition and required fees. Dr. Jane LaRoche seconded the motion. The motion was accepted with seven affirmative votes and six negative votes.

Sandra Stroman made a motion to accept an increase of 1% in tuition for campus based graduate programs. Dr. Jane LaRoche seconded the motion. The motion was accepted with nine affirmative votes and four negative votes.

Sandra Stroman made a motion to accept a $200 per credit hour decrease in the online MBA program. Ashlye Wilkerson seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous with 13 affirmative votes.

Sandra Stroman made a motion to accept an increase of 2% in housing; a 3% increase in board (food service fees). Dr. Jane LaRoche seconded the motion. The motion was accepted with eleven affirmative votes and two negative votes.

Sandra Stroman made a motion to accept an increase of $3 per credit hour of summer school fees. Isaiah Venning seconded the motion. The motion was accepted with eleven affirmative votes and two negative votes.


Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Chair Smalley began her report by reviewing the data shared by VP Evans relating to the current status of fundraising efforts. The Winthrop Fund has a $350,000 goal for January through December 2019. Year to date progress is $120,513. The current value of the endowment funds portfolio is $56,895,254. Portfolio rate of return year to date is 7.90%. A total of $3,642,240 of donor funds from the Foundation is available to the University in FY20.

University Advancement staff have been working closely with Enrollment Management and Student Affairs for the summer 2019 Freshman Orientation by focusing on the Alumni Legacy program. An Alumni Legacy student is a child, grandchild, or sibling of a Winthrop alumna/us who is seeking an undergraduate degree. Alumni Legacy students do not receive preferential admissions, compete as scholarship-blind admits, and must meet current admissions requirements. Nearly 10% of the enrolled applicants for the freshmen orientation program are legacy students.

The Committee reviewed again the plans for Homecoming 2019 to be held November 16. Homecoming tailgating will be available from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 16. The men’s basketball game will begin at 4 p.m. New this year will be paid parking, $5 per car. This is similar to how the City of Rock Hill manages parking at the Come-See-Me Festival tailgating/fireworks, and it will help ensure that Winthrop students, alumni and fans will be provided safe, accessible parking near the events.

Tailgating will be spread out across more of the area surrounding the Coliseum. The Alumni Association tent will be available as in past years, as well as designated paid tailgating spots for larger student and alumni groups. Individuals may reserve smaller tailgating spots.

The new Content Management System for the website went into effect on May 31 which allowed a nearly total overhaul of our websites. New features include customized pages for different audiences like prospective students, current students, faculty/staff, visitors, etc. The website is responsive layout for mobile devices, tablets, and desktop, and has the capability to easily embed video and photo slideshows all while being Section 508 compliant.

We are replacing 489 parking and directional signs here and at the Coliseum. University Communications and Marketing created the designs and sent them to the SC Department of Corrections for manufacturing. Our facilities staff will install them on campus. This collaboration has resulted in a substantial savings.

The Committee heard how Winthrop is preparing for the upcoming presidential primaries and election. Using our experience from the last elections when nearly all of the candidates visited campus, we have revised our protocols and procedures to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all the candidates. While the university does not sponsor partisan political events, we do invite student groups to partner with the candidate/event organizer to “sponsor” the event at Winthrop. If a student group sponsors the event, the room fee is waived for the speaker. The speaker may still incur other costs, such as security, parking, catering, lighting or other A/V or staging charges.

Finally, the Committee reviewed the new tiered pricing for external events. We have three categories for rentals of our buildings and spaces. Unaffiliated are external clients that have no affiliation to the campus or community and are charged full price. Campus Affiliated are external clients that are alumni, Winthrop employees, City/State affiliation organizations, and non-profits. They receive a discounted rental rate. At Cost are External Clients sponsored by a campus department and are not charged a rental fee. All three categories must pay fees for staffing, cleaning, insurance, and so forth.


Committee on Student Life and Athletics

In the absence of chair Tim Sease, Ms. Donna Glenn Holley presented the report to the Board. Student Affairs has outlined a new mission, vision, and core values. Six division-wide goals are attached to the new strategic plan. Objectives have been drafted, and performance measures are in progress. Expected completion is summer 2019.

The creation of a more effective staffing and budget process is underway. Several departures have allowed for unit level reorganization. The Dean of Students Office and the Student Life sub-division will be phase one of the new plans with a target completion date of August 2019. Budget creation was based upon activities that reduce risk, meet compliance, and foster student success.

Student Affairs continues to closely manage the student-facing services of the Sodexo collaboration. Since the April launch of Tapingo, the mobile ordering app, 55 subscribers have placed 316 orders yielding $1,753.66 in sales.

After utilizing dollars for major campus programming, student organizations, professional development activities, etc., the current balance for the Sodexo In-Kind Dollars is $9,005.00. Unused funds will roll over to the next fiscal year.

Due to the recent campus shooting at UNC- Charlotte, campus safety has been in the forefront. Winthrop has an 11-person team who meet monthly to address campus-wide safety concerns and emergency response protocols, and as needed to address critical incidents (i.e. weather events, etc.). Several initiatives are in progress, including campus safety week, an active shooter training exercise, and updates to emergency response protocols.

The Athletics Division put forth their list of nominees for the 2020 Hall of Fame. This year’s class includes; Cid Carvalho (Tennis Coach), Ashley Howard (Track & Field), Juliana Marques (Women’s Tennis), Tessa Thomas (Softball).

A new location in Owens Hall has been designated for the Esports program. A former computer lab will be used. Previously, the location was to be the basement of Dacus Library. Recruiting of students has begun by Coach Josh Sides and most of the 15 students have already submitted applications and begun the admissions process.

Divisional Goals were set within strategic plan of Athletics, 2018-19 goal was exceed for GSR (90%) (goal 88%) and Post-Graduation Job Placement Rate (90%). Our APR number will be available in the fall and GPA felt just short of goal at 3.25 (goal 3.3). By having 90% GSR Winthrop will be earning the VBRD distribution by the NCAA for the first time. Competitive excellence goals fell just short this year, three Winthrop sports won Big South Championships and three sports finished Big South Runner-ups. The student attendance goal was exceeded in 2018-19, although the number of student leaders on campus fell short. However, athletics exceeded the goal of increasing the number of sustainable university partnerships.

The subsidy number of the Athletics budget has increased due to the budget cuts the entire campus experienced this year. Athletics provided 34% of its budget in 2018-19. Athletics has continued to increase the overall fundraising dollars, raising over $700,000 for the first time thanks to a record breaking Eagle Club Auction. Sponsorships have also grown reaching just over $384,000 and ticket sales in athletics grew a little over $23,000 on the year.


Reports from the Representatives to the Board

Chair of Faculty Conference

Dr. Lipscomb thanked the Board for the opportunity to work with them and said it was an honor to serve in this position. He felt the Board has always made him feel that he could speak directly and honestly as everyone worked together in the spirit of collaboration.

He reported that faculty and administration have continued to work collaboratively to address challenges related to compensation, resource allocation, and professional development. Faculty have been participating in the new budgetary process, providing the University’s senior leadership with information that will assist them in prioritizing spending. Dr. Lipscomb said that working through the budget building process this past year has been a team effort, including work of faculty. At the same time, faculty are thinking in entrepreneurial ways about how they can move their course offerings and degree programs in ways that can capture the changing realities of our student base.


President of the Council of Student Leaders

Ms. Ximena Perez introduced her successors, Ms. Imani Belton as president and Mr. Brandon Jackson as vice president of the Council of Student Leaders. Recent work of the Council included working on revising their constitution. In September 2019, the Council will hold their annual retreat to set their goals for the academic year.

Ms. Perez thanked the Board for their work on behalf of students.


Report of the Nominating Committee

At this point of the meeting, Chair McCall asked Ms. Janet Smalley to chair this portion of the meeting. Ms. Smalley called for the report of the Nominating Committee and subsequent vote.

Dr. Julie Fowler reported on behalf of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Tim Sease, chair and Mr. Ed Driggers. She announced the recommendations of the Committee regarding the chair and vice chair positions for Academic Year 2019-20. Per Board bylaws, the Trustees were notified 30 days in advance of today’s meeting of the Committee’s intent to nominate Mr. Glenn McCall as chair and Mrs. Kathy Bigham as vice chair.

Ms. Smalley called for additional nominations from the floor. None were made. She then called for the vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of Mr. McCall and Mrs. Bigham. They will take office on July 1, 2019.

Ms. Smalley returned the meeting to Chair McCall.


New Business

There was no new business.



Hearing no objections, Chair McCall adjourned the meeting at 4:07 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly A. Faust, Secretary to the Board