Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Friday, June 24, 2022 | 10:30 a.m.
Gold Room | DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


Members Present: Kathy Bigham, Julie Fowler, Tim Hopkins, Randy Imler, Jane LaRoche, Glenn McCall, Robby Sisco, Tim Sease, John Brazell, Sandra Stroman, Isaiah Venning, Ashlye Wilkerson, Gary Williams, and President George Hynd

Members Absent: Ed Driggers, Janet Smalley

Others Present: Doug Quackenbush, Jessica Koumus, Kimberly Faust, Tammie Phillips, Leigh Crain, Monica Bennett, and various members of the faculty, staff, and students of Winthrop University.

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, June 24, 2022, on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Chair McCall, called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. He welcomed all present both in person and online. Gary Williams gave an innovation.


Executive Session--pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-70(a) (2) for the purposes of discussion of employment contractual items related to Winthrop University

Gary Williams moved with a second from Tim Hopkins to move into executive session pursuant to South Carolina Ann. §30-4-70(a)(1) and (2) for the purpose of discussions of personnel issues, contractual issues, and legal matters. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Kimberly Faust, Lisa Cowart, Caroline Overcash, Chris Johnson, Doug Quackenbush, Sally Chinois, Monica Bennett, Jessica Koumus, and James Grigg were invited to remain for the executive session.

Ashlye Wilkerson moved to end executive session. John Brazell seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous to end executive session with no actions.


Resolution Honoring and Approving Winthrop University and York Technical College Transfer Partnership

Chair Tim Hopkins brought a resolution from the Committee on Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Enrollment regarding a transfer partnership.

Winthrop University and York Technical College have collaborated for the past year to strengthen the transfer pathways and remove transfer barriers between the two institutions. Four meta-majors and thirty-two transfer pathways were developed and are in full implementation during academic year 2021-2022. Furthermore, as a result of the collaboration and in alignment with Proviso 117.152 Transfer of Student Credit, the Full Degree Transfer policy was drafted and approved by Faculty Conference in October 2021, to go into effect for the 2022-23 academic year. The Winthrop University – York Technical College Transfer Partnership Agreement with Bridge Program Addendum puts the structure in place to further streamline our long-standing partnership and enable reverse transfer to increase degree completion at both institutions.

Chair McCall thanked York Technical College President Stacey Moore and Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Jamie Cooper for attending the meeting and continuing to support Winthrop.

Needing no second, Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the resolution.


Executive Session--pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-70(a)(1) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters related to Winthrop University

John Brazell moved with a second from Randy Imler to enter into executive session. Dr. George Hynd, Caroline Overcash, and Kimberly Faust were invited to stay for portions of the session. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Isaiah Venning moved with a second from Julie Fowler to end executive session without a report. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.


Approval of Minutes from April 8, 2022

Julie Fowler made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 25, 2022 minutes as written. Isaiah Venning seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.


Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair McCall began his report by summarizing the actions of the Executive Committee and full Board in relation to the Agency Head Salary Evaluation process.

As required by state law, the Board of Trustees are charged with evaluating the work of the president by using the Agency Head Salary Commission’s rating system. In August of 2021, six objectives were identified as goals for President Hynd. Those goals included development of a mission statement that clearly and concisely supports the vision of the university and serves to communicate purpose and direction to students, employees, alumni, community members, and other stakeholders; to use an analysis of the Strategic Plan to reset the metric targets to appropriate levels and determine if new and better metrics are needed to measure success; complete an Academic Master Plan for program refresh, development, and/or elimination as well as complete the SACSCOC reaffirmation report.; complete the previously started comprehensive job classification and employee compensation study, and identify and budget financial resources to begin to address compensation issues; create a Facilities Master Plan through a constituent-driven planning process; and ensure all divisional budgets will achieve budget reduction targets.

The Executive Committee reviewed progress to date at their meeting on June 10, 2022. The Committee presented their findings regarding the personnel evaluation of the President to the full Board in executive session earlier today. Therefore, a Resolution Regarding 2021-22 Performance Evaluation for President George W. Hynd was presented for consideration. Dr. Hynd received an “exceeds expectations” and a score of 4.6 out of a possible 5 points by the full Board. Needing no second as this resolution was from a committee, Chair McCall called for a vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

In thanks for his 28 months of time at Winthrop University, a Resolution to Honor Dr. George W. Hynd for Meritorious Service as the Interim President of Winthrop University was presented. Needing no second as this resolution was from a committee, Chair McCall called for a vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

In thanks for her sixteen years of service to the Board of Trustees, a Resolution to Honor Dr. Jane LaRoche for Meritorious Service as an alumni-elected member of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees was presented. Needing no second as this resolution was from a committee, Chair McCall called for a vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of the resolution.


Report from the President

Dr. Hynd began his report by thanking the Board of Trustees for giving him the chance to serve Winthrop University. He thanked his wife, Dr. Alison Hynd, for her support, friendship, partnership, and guidance as he navigated the role of Interim President. He said his goal has been to fulfill the expectations of the Board of Trustees when they hired him in January of 2020, and he is proud of all that we, as a Winthrop family, have accomplished despite a pandemic.

He continued his report by commending the campus community for their hard work and diligence throughout the SACSCOC reaffirmation review process that recently concluded. He shared that administrative review of the Winthrop Plan’s five years found that the university fared best on Goal Five, “Ensure financial stability and sustainability,” with 65 percent of goal targets achieved.

Examples of targets met most of the time by the plan were scholarships provided by the Winthrop University Foundation, lower debt ratio, the number of new/redesigned programs, number of hybrid/online programs and number of classrooms with upgraded technology.

However, Winthrop only met 40 percent of targets for Goal One regarding enrollment growth and retention improvement, areas that will be vital to the institution moving forward under President Elect Edward A. Serna.

The president said the next steps in the Academic Master Plan process will have consultants further analyze our academic offerings, including the possibility of professional doctorates, in light of market analysis, student demand, and higher education trends.

Hynd noted the facilities Campus Master Plan is on schedule to wrap up with a final presentation to be shared with the Trustees, campus leadership and others this summer.

He was particularly proud of the work of all of those involved with the Campus Beautification Initiative, called Revitalizing Winthrop, which has been very successful in terms of private funds raised, participation by constituents and volunteer hours devoted to beautification projects.

Hynd noted that coming off some important successes in the fund raising area, the university will soon launch a search for a permanent vice president for University Advancement.

At the conclusion of these comments, those attending the meeting, led by the Trustees, gave Dr. Hynd a standing ovation to signify their thanks and appreciation of his efforts on the university’s behalf.

Per the bylaws, Dr. Hynd asked for confirmation for the following new employee hires at the dean or higher level: Karen Oremus as interim dean of College of Visual and Performing Arts, Dr. Peter Judge as interim Provost, Representative Gary Simrill as Special Assistant to the President, and Chuck Rey as Athletic Director. Dr. Ashlye Wilkerson moved to endorse the hires with Gary Williams seconding the motion. Chair McCall called the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the motion.


Report from the Committee on Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Enrollment

In Chair Smalley’s absence Dr. Julie Fowler brought a resolution to confer emeritus status for retiring faculty. The seven faculty members and one dean eligible have a combined one hundred forty-three years of service to the University. The resolution as submitted was confusing regarding the choice and use of emeritus titles. Tim Hopkins made a motion to present an amended motion that would reflect the traditional way of bestowing emeritus status to the individual employees rather than via their former titles. Isaiah Venning seconded the motion. Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the motion to amend the resolution. Sandra Stroman moved with a second from Gary Williams to adopt the amended resolution awarding emeritus status. Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the amended resolution.

On behalf of the committee, Dr. Fowler brought forth a resolution to establish the Graduate Certificate in Art Education. This 10-12-hour Graduate Certificate in Art Education is designed to welcome current certified art teachers to continue creating studio art, to build on the connection between local schools and the Department of Fine Arts, prepare current (or recent) MFA students as educators at the post-secondary level, and to help our artists to align creative research with pedagogy. In addition, this can promote the current MFA program to practicing art educators through earning credit for licensure renewal that can build toward the MFA. Needing no second, Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the resolution.


Report from the Committee on External Engagement and Athletics

Chair Hopkins brought forth a number of recommendations from the committee for consideration by the Board. Those action items included a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with York Technical College and Winthrop University’s Think College. The Winthrop Think College program and the Richard W Riley College of Education have been exploring the possibility of offering serves to Winthrop Think College students beyond what is included in the current two-year program. Through exploration of other like programs, a partnership with York Technical College that would allow students to take courses not offered at Winthrop is a model that will serve our student population well. The Think College personnel will continue to support experiences such as life style coursework, course accommodations, and general guidance. With this MOU, students will be able to take courses that facilitate their post-completion plans at York Technical College.

Needing no second, Chair McCall called for the vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of the MOU.

Chair Hopkins brought forth a second resolution regarding an international partnership. The objective of this MOU is to promote international educational cooperation between Winthrop University and La Compagnie de Formation – ISCOM Montpellier by facilitating the exchange of students, faculty, and opportunities for research and scholarship. In this cooperative relationship, La Compagnie de Formation – ISCOM Montpellier will act as the exclusive representative for La Compagnie de Formation – ISCOM Montpellier, MBWAY, IPAC, ISCOM, or other affiliated schools. Needing no second, Chair McCall called for the vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of the MOU.


Report from the Committee on Strategic Planning and Facilities

Chair Imler reported on items reviewed at the Committee meeting. The Comprehensive Permanent Improvement Plan includes general science buildings renovation, renovation of Dinkins and Dacus, upgrades to McBryde, Phelps, Lee Wicker, Thomson Café, and development of an Esports facility in Dinkins.

The committee also reviewed possible options for use of the $21 million bond related to replacing or renovating Thomson Café as approved by the Board at the February 2021 meeting.

Dr. Randy Imler recused himself at point the Committee discussed the electrical substation behind Withers, one of the two main entry points for power to the campus. It has antiquated equipment and needs renovation to improve the reliability of the power to the campus. An EDA grant in conjunction with state funds totaling $1.83M was secured. The project was initially bid and came in significantly over budget. After a second bid process, the low bidder was Walker Electric. The committee recommends the Board accept the bid with funding of $1,506,532 that was allocated from the project funds (EDA grant and state match) to cover the cost of construction. Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the following recommendations.

Chair Imler returned to the meeting to complete his report by summarizing the work being done with the Campus Beautification Initiative and the various facilities project updates underway.


Report from the Committee on Finance

Chair Tim Sease brought forward a motion to reduce tuition for the online MSW beginning fall 2022 from $950 to $750 per credit hour. This reduction is based on the feedback and recommendations from Dean Takita Felder Sumter and Wiley Educational Services.

Needing no second, Chair McCall called for a vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of the recommendation.

Dr. Randy Imler recused himself when the Finance Committee presented the recommendation of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Facilities to accept the bid with funding of $1,506,532 that was allocated from the project funds (EDA grant and state match) to cover the cost of construction of the electrical substation behind Withers. Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the recommendation.

Lastly, Chair Sease presented the capital projects list for Board approval. Chair McCall called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the recommendation to approve the capital projects list.

Chair McCall concluded the meeting by thanking Council of Student Leaders President Erin Emiroglu for her service to the university and as liaison to the Board of Trustees. He also thanked Dr. Adrienne McCormick for her service as Provost and on behalf of the university, wished her well on the next phase of her career.



Hearing no objections, Chair McCall adjourned the meeting at 3:12 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Kimberly A. Faust, Secretary to the Board