WHEREAS, in memory of Margaret M. Bryant, an outstanding humanist, nationally known
scholar, and generous benefactor of Winthrop, the Margaret M. Bryant Professorship
in English was established in 1997; and
WHEREAS, extraordinary teaching, excellent scholarship, and superior professional
service are primary criteria for the Bryant Professorship; and
WHEREAS, the professor chosen for this honor has dedicated eighteen years at Winthrop
to the intellectual development of her students as well as to the overall development
of the university; and
WHEREAS, this award has been presented to Professor Gloria Godfrey Jones for her gifted
instruction, exceptional service and scholarship, and continuous enrichment of the
Winthrop English program;
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University gratefully
acknowledges the outstanding accomplishments of Professor Gloria Godfrey Jones and
presents to her today this citation as a testament to her scholarly achievements and
devotion to higher education and in honor of being named the Margaret M. Bryant Professor.
February 8, 2002