Resolution to Honor Dr. Debra C. Boyd for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University

WHEREAS, Winthrop University with grateful appreciation, does hereby acknowledge, commend, and
honor the distinguished service to the University by Dr. Debra C. Boyd in many capacities including in
the English Department as faculty member, director of composition, and chair, director of the
university's Office for Effective Teaching, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Acting President,
and most recently as Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs; and

WHEREAS, through her leadership and mentorship in all of the roles she served at Winthrop, she has
advanced the careers of many faculty, staff, and students; and

WHEREAS, she was instrumental in the growth in the number and amount of grants bringing in
millions of dollars to the university and the strengthening and expansion of faculty and student research
collaboration through the undergraduate research programs; and

WHEREAS, during her tenure as Provost, Dr. Boyd led the University in the development of five
undergraduate majors, three graduate programs, four wholly online graduate programs, a number of
concentrations and minors, and expansion of classrooms into the Knowledge Park area of Rock Hill;

WHEREAS, as an inaugural member of the Committee on Personnel Actions and other budget and
finance related working groups, Dr. Boyd’s work in containing costs, growing the net position, and
reducing the debt ratio will have long-lasting impact on the University; and

WHEREAS, her willingness to assume the position of Acting President during an important year of
transition ensured the continuation of the mission-critical work of providing a high quality experience
for our students by leading "Team Winthrop" in thinking strategically and by relying on collective
participation and decision-making; and

WHEREAS, widely known across campus for her intellect, kindness, and strength of character, Dr.
Boyd will long be remembered for her dedication to planning for the future while preserving the past of
Winthrop University; and

WHEREAS, we would be remiss if we did not mention the tremendous support, understanding, and
commitment both she and Winthrop have received from her husband Mr. Warren Boyd;

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Trustees, the President, and the Winthrop University
faculty, staff, and students do hereby convey their deep respect and profound gratitude to Dr. Debra
Boyd, and do commend her for outstanding meritorious service to Winthrop during the previous 35
years and bestow upon her the title of Provost Emeritus.


APPROVED, this the 28th day of June, 2019.