Resolution to Expand Master of Arts in Teaching adding Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle Level Education, Special Education


WHEREAS, Winthrop University provides a wide range of academic programs serving the people of South Carolina, and in particular the north central region of the state, and


WHEREAS, the State of South Carolina and the region are in need of more fully qualified and certified teachers to meet the education needs of the state, and


WHEREAS, Winthrop University has the faculty expertise, facilities, and capacity to offer additional pathways for attaining certification to teach, and


WHERAS, Winthrop University has successfully offered the Master of Arts in Teaching in many other subject areas for many years,


WHEREAS, the Winthrop University Richard W. Riley College of Education proposes to add options to complete initial teacher certification in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle-Level Education, and Special Education to the Master of Arts in Teaching program, and Winthrop is currently approved by the South Carolina Department of Education to prepare teachers for initial certification in these areas, and


WHEREAS, the proposed degree options are consistent with Winthrop University's Mission Statement wherein the University seeks to provide “personalized and challenging undergraduate, graduate, and continuing professional education programs of national caliber within a context dedicated to public service to the State of South Carolina,”


THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WINTHROP UNIVERSITY that the addition of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle-Level Education, and Special Education to the Master of Arts in Teaching be approved.


APPROVED, this 13th day of March, 2020