Resolution To Honor Dorothy Barber For Meritorious Service To Winthrop University

WHEREAS, Winthrop University with grateful appreciation, does hereby acknowledge, commend and honor the distinguished lifetime of service to the University by Dorothy “Dot” Barber; and

WHEREAS, Dot Barber joined the staff in 1970 as a clerk typist in Dacus Library and over the years has witnessed numerous changes in library operations as she held various positions in accounting, technical services, and her most recent position as executive support specialist; and

WHEREAS, she became the first African-American professional staff member employed by Winthrop and was respected for her courteous and caring demeanor as exemplified through her everyday responsibilities but also her role in hiring and interviewing Dacus Library student employees through the years; and

WHEREAS, her co-workers stated that she had a knack for finding just the right student to fit each department’s needs and letting students know she expected no less than their best when they became library workers; and

WHEREAS, Dot Barber acted as a mentor not only for the African-American students hired by the library, but also for any student who needed a sympathetic ear, especially in the early days of integration on the Winthrop campus when faces of color were not often seen among the faculty and staff; and

WHEREAS, Dot Barber became a notable mainstay in the library over the years, working with scores of library professionals and gaining a reputation as someone who got along with everyone and was active with her family, her church and her community; and

WHEREAS, she retired in 2008 from full-time work but continued her work in the library on a part-time basis with this fall marking her 50th year as a Winthrop employee.

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University does hereby gratefully acknowledge the tireless dedication, exemplary service, and vigorous commitment to excellence that Dorothy “Dot” Barber has demonstrated on behalf of Winthrop University.

Approved this 6th day of November 2020.