WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees at Winthrop University have examined the fee structure at Winthrop University and adopted the recommendations provided by the Finance Committee; and

WHEREAS, the members of the Board recognize their fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the University’s operating budget strikes a balance between actual resources and commitments; and

WHEREAS, a discounted Summer Session rate in conjunction with increased online instruction in summer sessions has resulted in increased enrollments and revenues; and

WHEREAS, to be competitive with local and regional universities offering similar programs, Winthrop University has offered discounted graduate tuition rates to P-12 educators in its Partnership Network and through programming supported by various federal grants in the last 2-3 recruitment cycles; and

WHEREAS, Winthrop University routinely monitors course, lab, and other fees to ensure students are provided with the resources and materials they need to succeed, and decreases and increases in materials costs associated with instruction are adjusted annually;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed tuition and fee schedule and appropriate tuition discounts as attached hereto and incorporated by reference be adopted by the Board of Trustees; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Full Board of the Board of Trustees be authorized to amend the Winthrop University fee schedules and to approve an operating budget on behalf of the Board.

APPROVED, this 8th day of April, 2022.