WHEREAS, in accordance with Board Bylaws, the Executive Committee reviewed the annual performance objectives for the President of Winthrop University for 2022-23 as mandated by the State Agency Head Salary Commission; and

WHEREAS, President Serna and the Trustees of Winthrop University have identified the key strategic priorities of academic year 2022-23 to be:

Be “the voice” of Winthrop as an extremely active, open, and multi-channel communicator and consensus builder with all stakeholders and a variety of “publics”—Board of Trustees, students, faculty, staff, alumni, Foundation Board members, donors, community leaders, legislators, etc.— thereby building confidence in the University’s path forward and ensuring buy-in and trust when difficult decisions need to be made.

Investigate and learn about higher education trends and post- pandemic realities and redefine the Winthrop Strategic Plan to prioritize and coordinate resources to advance the University to provide direction for the immediate future and the next 3 to 5 years.

Refine the University’s academic and co-curricular programs, offerings, and services to anticipate new needs and initiatives to position innovatively the institution for the future.

Build and inspire a collaborative team of university leaders who transparently operate all processes and are held accountable for executing duties and responsibilities.

Provide focused attention to recruitment and enrollment management through a willingness to pursue data-driven decisions to secure and strengthen admissions, financial aid, retention, transfer, and graduation rates.

Develop an integrated and multi-modal marketing and communications program that identifies and promotes Winthrop’s unique niche for future growth and positions the university as an institution where all prospective students can see themselves as a part of Winthrop.

Implement a sustainable financial model and budget, including fundraising and exploring additional revenue generating as well as cost reduction opportunities and funding institutional strategic priorities, including new programs to raise enrollment.

Use the Facilities Master Plan to begin to address the needs of the University in the near and longer-term future.

WHEREAS, the performance objectives will be based on these key strategic priorities;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WINTHROP UNIVERSITY that the formal evaluation of the performance of Edward A. Serna as President of Winthrop University shall be made in accordance with these objectives as submitted to the State Agency Head Salary Commission.

APPROVED, this the 25th day of August, 2022