WHEREAS, pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §59–125–1, et seq., the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University is created and established as a body corporate for the purpose of effectuating the educational mission of Winthrop University; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Bylaws, it is the duty of the Board of Trustees to oversee the maintenance, development, and enhancement of the University’s facilities and infrastructure to ensure the provision of high-quality education and research environments; and

WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed and considered the proposed facilities and infrastructure projects, specifically the Bancroft fire alarm replacement, the Stewart House exterior renovation, the Lee Wicker roof replacement, the Joynes roof replacement and brick repair, and the Byrnes CMR for GMP3 scope increase, and finds these projects essential for the safety, preservation, and enhancement of the University’s physical assets; and

WHEREAS, the proposed projects have been thoroughly vetted, with bids received and assessed for compliance, cost-effectiveness, and capability, resulting in the selection of responsible bidders for each project; and

WHEREAS, the funding for these projects has been secured through state funds, gift funds, institution funds (Auxiliary Net Position), and potential savings from the Lee Wicker roof project to be reallocated for the Phelps roof replacement, ensuring that the projects are financially viable and in line with the University’s budgetary constraints and fiscal responsibility;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that on March 13, 2024, the Winthrop University Board of Trustees hereby adopts the approval of the facilities and infrastructure projects as presented, including:

  1. The Bancroft fire alarm replacement by Miller Electric for $270,410, state funded.
  2. The Stewart House exterior renovation by CE Bourne for $678,900, gift funded.
  3. The Lee Wicker roof replacement by Davco Roofing & Sheetmetal for $1,163,765, institution funded, and the approval to utilize the project savings for the Phelps roof replacement in summer 2025.
  4. The Joynes roof replacement and brick repair by Midwest Maintenance for $1,587,732, state funded.
  5. The increase of the CMR GMP for the Byrnes project scope by $580k to a total of $9.18M, state funded.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a written update on the progress of these projects must be provided by the regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting in June 2024 and periodically thereafter upon request by the Board of Trustees.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary to the Board of Trustees shall certify that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved this resolution on March 13, 2024, in a regular meeting scheduled by the Winthrop University Board of Trustees. Such resolution shall be maintained and publicly posted by the Secretary of the Board in a time and manner as required by law.

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