WHEREAS pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §59–125–1, et. seq., the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University is created and established as a body corporate for the purpose of effectuating the educational mission of Winthrop University.

WHEREAS pursuant to Winthrop Board of Trustees Bylaws art. II, the Board of Trustees responsibilities include defining the University’s Mission, Vision, and Values.

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees formally adopted its Mission, Vision, and Values in October 2023, BoT Res. #FY2324-0002.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that on June 27, 2024, the Winthrop University Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of President Edward A. Serna, hereby adopts this modified Mission Statement with changes as required and recommended by the Council on Higher Education, and noted in underlined additions as follows:

Winthrop University is a comprehensive public university that challenges undergraduate and graduate students of talent, ambition, and intellectual curiosity, equipping them to embrace and lead a world in transition by providing residential and online learning experiences and instilling critical thinking skills empowering them to create the future.

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary to the Board of Trustees shall certify that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved this resolution on the 27th of June 2024, in a regular meeting scheduled by the Winthrop University Board of Trustees. Such resolution shall be maintained and publicly posted by the Secretary of the Board in a time and manner as required by law.
