Virtual Tour

Hardin Family Garden

by Various Artists


A class being held in Hardin Family Garden

A class being held in Hardin Family Garden

Water feature in Hardin Family Garden

Water feature in Hardin Family Garden

Students in colorful adirondack chairs in Hardin Family Garden

Students in colorful adirondack chairs in Hardin Family Garden

Water art installation in Hardin Family Garden

Water art installation in Hardin Family Garden

Winthrop Monolith at night

Winthrop Monolith at night

Hardin Family Garden at night

Hardin Family Garden at night

Aerial photo of Hardin Family Garden

Aerial photo of Hardin Family Garden

Purple Worm in Hardin Family Garden

Purple Worm in Hardin Family Garden

Winthrop Monolith in Hardin Family Garden

Winthrop Monolith in Hardin Family Garden

Untitled Art Installation in Hardin Family Garden

Untitled Art Installation in Hardin Family Garden

River's Journey in Hardin Family Garden

River's Journey in Hardin Family Garden

Water art installation in Hardin Family Garden

Water art installation in Hardin Family Garden

Peace Pole in Hardin Family Garden

Peace Pole in Hardin Family Garden

The Divine Proportion. The Golden Mean. The Magic Ratio. This concept fascinated the Greek sculptor, Phidias, and later bore his name: “Phi.” The mathematical relationship is reflected in the proportions of the human body and found throughout the universe: from the spirals of galaxies and Nautilus shells to growth patterns of flora and fauna; from the harmony of classical compositions to the artistic beauty borne out in Michelangelo, Raphael and da Vinci’s masterpieces; from the behavior of light and atoms to fluctuations in financial markets. The ancient Egyptians used Phi in the construction of the great pyramids. Architects of Mexico embraced Phi while building the Sun Pyramid at Teotihuacan. The Greeks studied Phi and applied it to construction of such wonders as the Parthenon. Whether by design or intuition, the appearance of Phi throughout nature and over time remains constant. It is the very physical nature of creation. It is seen as the beauty and organization within the cosmos. It is the harmony and glue that holds together the wonders of the universe.

The design of the Hardin Family Garden rests, too, on this concept. The Hardin Family Garden was made possible by the vision and support of Ray and Patricia “Patz” Whetstone Carter, beloved and devoted alumna of Winthrop’s Class of 1969. Read more about the Divine Proportion.