Virtual Tour

President's House - 1890

601 Oakland Avenue


President's House Exterior

President's House Exterior

President's House Exterior

President's House Exterior

Each of Winthrop's 12 presidents has lived in the President's House. Originally built by Captain W.H. Stewart, the home was offered as a president's home as part of Rock Hill's winning bid to move Winthrop here in 1893. Stewart then built as his second home, the white-columned house which now serves as offices for the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention and Advancement. First fashioned in the Queen Anne Victorian style, the house underwent a major renovation in 1917 when balconies, turrets, and other Victorian features were removed. The house itself was moved back from the street about 50 feet, and brick veneer was added.


Interesting Features:

  • Eleanor Roosevelt Bathroom, built for the First Lady's personal use during a visit to Winthrop in 1943