The enhanced versions of our introductory biology classes, BIOL220E and 221E sections, are part of an effort to strengthen students’ study skills while they are taking the introductory biology lecture courses through skill building exercises (metacognition) and group study. Students who took the “enhanced” courses, including Biology, Athletic Training, Biology, Chemistry, and Exercise Science majors, indicated the enhanced portion of the course made a tremendous difference in their ability to succeed in their classes.
See testimonials below for the BIOL204E courses. It helped those who already considered themselves to be good students as well as those students who felt they needed more help.
Some of the topics covered include: time management, note taking, reading science textbooks, previewing material before lectures, studying for a science test, concept mapping, learning to concentrate, and more. Several students also reported it helped them in their other courses.
You will notice on Wingspan that the BIOL220E or 221E version of your class will still meet and complete the requirements (exams and other assignments) with the rest of the class during the Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday lectures, but there will be mandatory Friday supplemental instruction sessions for "E" students that will be facilitated by a Biology Department graduate student in collaboration with the course instructor.
The class is open to all students regardless of their major or relative strength as a student - it will help everyone.