Environmental Sciences and Studies


A study abroad or exchange program can greatly enhance a student's understanding of environmental issues and of other cultures. There are many opportunities available to Winthrop students and many of them cost* nearly the same as studying on campus. We recommend that you investigate your options and seriously consider an exchange program. Be sure to visit the study abroad and national student exchange websites and offices for valuable information and counseling. Also be aware that there are specific qualifications and deadlines that you must meet.

SEMESTER-LONG OR YEAR-LONG STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS offer students the opportunity to live and study in a new culture. Be sure to dream big, but consult with your advisor so that you can begin to decide how your exchange program fits into your major. As examples, we have prepared 4-year plans of study with a semester-long study abroad for both the ENST and ENSC majors. There are a huge number of locations to consider; here are just few that might be appealing to ENST or ENSC majors

Florida State University-Panama Campus (Panama)
Veritas University (Costa Rica)
University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia)


SHORT-TERM STUDY ABROAD OPPORTUNITIES are available. Consider taking a Winthrop class that includes a study abroad component or consider participating in a short-term exchange that is led by faculty/staff from other universities.

NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE is a program which allows students to attend any of approximately 180 universities in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam. Consider spending a semester at a university that offers environmental courses that Winthrop is unable to offer.

*If finances are the big hurdle, be sure you check with the Study Abroad and National Student Exchange offices for advice. Scholarships and grants ARE available.