Check out our most recent award and scholarship winners for Spring 2021!
Anthropology professor, Dr. Brent Woodfill spent the summer searching for a lost Maya city that lived outside of Spanish control
for over 100 years before finally being conquered in 1695. A journalist from Science Magazinetraveled with him and published a feature length story about it in August titled,
In Search of the 'White Jaguar'.
Dr. Chris Gillam recently traveled for his ongoing research on Ice Age cultures of northern Mongolia. Dr. Gillam and his international colleagues, has led to the
discovery of 95 archaeological sites dating to the Upper Paleolithic Period, ca. 45,000-12,000
years old, along the tributaries of the Selenge River.
In fall 2017, the students of Anthropology 345, Fieldwork in Archaeology with Archaeologist Chris Gillam, discovered the location of field slave quarters at Historic Brattonsville. This
is a very exciting and exceptional contribution to the history of the site.