Physical Education

Bachelor of Science in Teacher Certification (PETE)

Bachelor of Science in Physical Education (Teacher Certification)

The Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) program is housed in the Department of Physical Education, Sport and Human Performance (PESH) in the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. The degree requires 120 semester hours of course work in order to become a certified physical education teacher for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. The Winthrop PETE program has a long and distinguished tradition of providing school systems with bright, well-prepared and dedicated teachers. The curriculum in the PETE program reflects current educational trends and prepares students for teaching opportunities in both public and private schools. Beginning in the freshman year, teacher candidates are given numerous opportunities to develop their teaching skills through a series of experiences teaching children in elementary, middle, and high school settings. Winthrop's PETE program is fully accredited by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

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All PETE teacher candidates are required to complete a year-long internship at Winthrop during the senior year. The first semester of the senior year, PETE teacher candidates are placed in an Internship I school site four days per week for a 16-week period teaching at the secondary level. During the second semester of the senior year, teacher candidates are placed in a full-time elementary internship. For both of these semesters, the PETE teacher candidates are under the guidance of a certified mentor teacher.

Master of Art in Teaching — Physical Education

The Master of Art in Teaching — Physical Education (initial teacher certification) post-baccalaureate degree consists of 47 semester hours of course work in order to become a certified physical education teacher for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. The course work is in two major areas: College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences core courses, and PETE methods/professional/practical/activity courses.

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