College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences



edTPA is an external scored, program-specific assessment measuring teaching behaviors that focus on student learning. The Winthrop Educator Preparation Program uses the edTPA combined with the Internship II evaluation to meet the SC Teaching Standards 4.0. 


edTPA emphasizes effective teaching and reflective practice, thus many of the components and strategies are integrated into earlier program and Education Core courses. During the semester in which candidates complete the actual edTPA assessment (typically Internship II), implementation is guided from a unit level starting with a "Boot Camp" for candidates. This is followed by full-day seminars during which candidates are released from their Internship (dates for full-release are distributed by the edTPA coordinator).


Various internal and external sites are available to support edTPA implementation:

  • First Stop: Blackboard edTPA Organization (houses faculty and student resources such as updated handbooks, permission forms, technology info, etc.)
  • Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE)
  • WU: Technology and edTPA (through the Instructional Technology Center)
  • WU: Role of Mentor Teachers