NetAPT Competencies

In each of the six modules, participants will show mastery of competencies, which are aligned with SCTS 4.0 standards. To find out more about the competencies covered in each of the modules, click on tile below. 

Learning Assets and Needs

Module 1

Learning Assets and Needs

Click link to see competencies covered in Module 1.

Learning Environments

Module 2

Learning Environments

Click here for competencies covered in Module 2.

Planning for Success

Module 3

Planning for Success

Click on the link below to see competencies covered in Module 3.

Teaching Foundations

Module 4

Teaching Foundations

Click link to see competencies covered in Module 4.

Knowledge Construction

Module 5

Knowledge Construction

Click here for competencies covered in Module 5.

Engaging in the Profession

Module 6

Engaging in the Profession

Click on the link below to see competencies covered in Module 6.
