Dedication for Excellence

The following Dedication for Excellence guides the entire campus community and affirms what we expect from each member.

Academic Integrity

I will dedicate myself to the pursuit of knowledge and truth with honesty, integrity and accountability for my decisions and behavior.

Freedom of Speech

I will recognize that I can exercise the full range of my freedom of speech and will respect the rights of others to express themselves as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

Personal Responsibility

I will assume full responsibility for myself in all respects: for my actions, thoughts, personal growth, and development.

Global and Cultural Diversity

I will value diverse cultural perspectives as well as value all individuals for the creativity, achievements, and contributions each brings to our community.

Consideration of Others

I will demonstrate a concern for the welfare and rights of others and I will respect the dignity of all persons.

Social Responsibility

I will actively contribute to my community through service and leave Winthrop and our world a better place for my having been here.

Civic Engagement

I will acknowledge that participation is vital to democracy and will be an informed citizen and voter.

Environmental Responsibility

I will recognize the importance of environmental stewardship and will acknowledge the ecological and aesthetic consequences of my actions for future generations.

Adopted April 1994 by Student Governance
Amended, 2011 by the Council of Student Leaders