About Us

The Office of Grants and Sponsored Research Development (GSRD) assists faculty and staff in seeking, applying for, and managing external funding for research, instruction, and outreach programs.

We assist the University Research Council in the administration of internal research funding.

GSRD provides administrative support to the Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).



The Office of Grants and Sponsored Research Development supports faculty and staff in the pursuit of internal and external funding by providing pre-award and compliance expertise, offering educational tools for successful proposal submissions, and delivering exemplary customer service.


  • Support faculty and staff in the pursuit of extramural funding
  • Support investigators with the compliance requirements of sponsored awards
  • Promote a culture of innovation, creativity, and scholarship
  • Ensure GSRD activities coincide with the Winthrop Plan
  • Ensure GSRD staff are knowledgeable, trained, and execute best practices in grants management


GSRD supports faculty and staff in the pursuit of external grants by providing the following services:

  • Conducting pre-award meetings to conceive and develop project ideas and review sponsor guidelines
  • Searching for and identifying external funding opportunities
  • Compiling institutional data
  • Drafting non-technical components of the proposal (e.g., diversity plan, management plan, letters of support, biosketches)
  • Creating and reviewing proposal budgets for reasonableness, accuracy, and compliance with sponsor and Winthrop policies
  • Editing and formatting all proposals and processing them through the electronic approval system
  • Providing training in IRB, IACUC, and IBC compliance
  • Managing research compliance for IRB, IACUC, and IBC
  • Providing training for and administering Research Council grants