Academic Assistance for International Students

Winthrop University offers many different types of academic assistance for our international students. Please find the resources listed below.

The Writing Center

Academic Success Center

Math Tutorial Center

College of Business Resource Center

Online Learning / Online Learning - Student information and training

The Correct Use of Borrowed Information (from the Department of English)

Other Academic Resources (from the Academic Success Center)

International Student Tutor

The international student tutor, Ms. LeAnn Lowrey, has an office in 219 Dinkins Hall. Ms. Lowrey is typically available 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. To schedule an appointment, e-mail Ms. Lowrey for an appointment.


LeAnn Lowrey
International Student Tutor
Dinkins Hall


Links to Helpful Web sites

  • ESL Cafe - This site offers links to a help site, useful information, and a forum where international students can talk with one another.

The International Center wants to help you be academically successful. Please contact the International Center if you have any questions about the resources listed above.  Thank you.