This free cultural event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. in Whitton
Auditorium (Carroll Hall). It's open to the public.
This free cultural event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. in Whitton
Auditorium (Carroll Hall). It's open to the public.
ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts will visit Winthrop University next week as part of the Leadership Speaker Series.
In "Becoming the Winning City of Tomorrow," Roberts will discuss the challenges and opportunities of leading a diverse and fast-growing 21st-century city. This free cultural event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. in Whitton Auditorium (Carroll Hall). It's open to the public.
Born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina, Roberts won the mayoral election in 2015. Previously, she worked for four years as a diplomat with the United States Department of State, serving in the Dominican Republic and Mexico. She also served as director of the Mayor's International Cabinet, a lending officer in International Corporate Banking at First Union and executive director of the Charlotte World Affairs Council.
She holds degrees from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Johns Hopkins University and the University of Toronto.
She resides in Charlotte with her husband, Manley, and children Montana and Manley Jr.
This event is sponsored by the College of Business Administration, the Department of Political Science, the Women's and Gender Studies Program, and the John C. West Forum on Politics and Policy.
For more information, contact Celeste Tiller, director of external relations and the Institute of Management in the College of Business Administration, at 803/323-2504 or