Isaiah “Reggie” Venning Re-Elected by Alumni to Board of Trustees

February 29, 2024


  • Venning begins his second six-year term on July 1.
  • He has made significant contributions not only at Winthrop but to the local community and the state.


  • Venning begins his second six-year term on July 1.
  • He has made significant contributions not only at Winthrop but to the local community and the state.

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - Winthrop University alumni have chosen Isaiah “Reggie” Venning ’95, ’00 to serve for a second term as the alumni representative to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees.

He begins a six-year term on July 1.

Venning said he is honored to be re-elected to serve as an alumni representative on Winthrop’s board. “I love my alma mater, and I want others to have the same great experience I had while attending Winthrop,” he said. “As a board member, I will continue to work with other trustees to champion Winthrop and to help ensure the university’s bright future.”

The Rock Hill, South Carolina, resident earned his B.S. in business administration and his M.B.A. at Winthrop. He is a self-employed stock trader.

Venning gives freely of his time on the Winthrop campus to give tours or to attend various events. He was selected as the university’s 2021 Alumni Distinguished Service Award recipient and, more recently, as one of the Rock Hill 2024 Come-See-Me Community Service Merit Award recipients.

Venning has also made significant contributions not only at Winthrop but to the local community and the state. At the appointment of Rock Hill Mayor John Gettys, Venning is a member of the Carolina Community Actions Board to help promote the self-sufficiency of low-income residents.

Venning currently serves as treasurer of the Parent Teacher Organization for Old Pointe Elementary School, and he regularly volunteers at colleges, schools, churches and fraternity/sorority organization events to educate individuals on ways to save money and how to get out of debt. His frequent appearances at elementary, middle and high schools led the Rock Hill School District Three to give him an Outstanding Volunteer Award in 2017.

As a member of the Kappa Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Venning holds the Office of the Keeper of Finance. He is the chapter’s public service chair and coordinates members’ participation in local community efforts such as the Adopt-A-Highway program and the Rolling in Rock Hill program to paint houses for low-income families. Venning also serves as the district coordinator for the Big Brother/Big Sister program for the Sixth District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., which includes the states of South Carolina and North Carolina.

He and his wife, Krystal Davis Venning ’96, ’99, have two children, Isaiah Jr. and Langston.

For more information, contact Lori Tuttle, executive director of alumni relations and reunion giving, at

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