Applicant Form

Name (first and last):

Preferred Name:


Your email address:

National awards you intend to apply for during current academic year:

Please let us know how you were initially encouraged to apply for a national award

If other, please describe:

Photo: Please submit a photo that can be used for publication and on our website. Headshots are fine, but please no selfies or webcam photos.
(.jpg file format - 1.5 MB file size limit):

Under FERPA (Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act) your educational records will be made available to any school officials who must review your records in order to fulfill their professional responsibility for Winthrop University. Questions about the privacy of your educational records may be directed to the Office of the Records and Registration https://www.winthrop.edu/recandreg.

  I authorize and consent to ONCA accessing and using my WU education records, including but not limited to my academic records and records pertaining to academic honesty, conduct, and any records pertaining to me in the Office of Student Conduct, as a part of any advice or services provided by ONCA.

  I authorize and consent to the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards (ONCA) using my biographical information to promote my nomination for or receipt of a national award.

  I authorize and consent to ONCA using photographs or videos taken of me or submitted by me to ONCA in WU and other media, including print and internet.

  Optional: I authorize and consent to ONCA keeping a copy of my application essays (with my name deleted) for use as an example for future applicants.

Electronic Signature:

First Name:

Last Name:
