Message from the President


Welcome to the website of the Student Government Association. The purpose of SGA is simple: to serve as the vehicle through which the student body's collective voice can be heard, their ideals represented, and their opinions validated. Our first priority is student representation, and SGA’s membership fully reflects that. SGA boasts a diversified group of young professionals from all walks of life that make up the organization, which include faces which range from annual members, to representatives from various campus organizations and even university colleges. Because of this blend of different perspectives, issues concerning the student body are always handled professionally and with the best interests of our fellow peers in full consideration.

We know that college can be overwhelming in terms of the sheer amount of things to get invested in on campus. However, we highly recommend to all of our Eagles to make some kind of investment, whether it be big or small, in their student government. More often than not, people resign themselves to thinking progress is unattainable from the viewpoint of an individual. In spite of this, history has shown us time and time again that when people unify their collective voices, concrete reform can be made for the better.

Some of the fundamental responsibilities of the Student Government Association include allocating money to organizations and clubs, serving as the voice of the student body to the Winthrop University administration, and providing the outlook of the student to the realization of Winthrop's strategic plan called the Winthrop Plan. We also form committees based upon the needs of our students and strive to make sure that our work mirrors that.

On this website, you can find projects that SGA has done in the past as well as a list of the different members and their e-mail addresses. I invite you to reach out to any of us with any comments, questions, concerns, grievances, or even suggestions you may have to make Winthrop a better place for your higher education experience. Thank you for stopping by, and we look forward to seeing you at our meetings on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. in DiGiorgio Campus Center 114.

Remember, Eagles, you have more power to make a greater impact than you realize. To quote President Barack Obama," Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

Chair of the Student Government Association