Vision of Prayze Gospel Choir

Active for 2020-2021

Type of Organization:  Religious
Organization E-mail:
Purpose of Organization: The overall purpose of this organization is to promote a personal walk with God through fellowship and the ministering of quality and scripture based music under the power and authority of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Description of Organization:  A fellowship of students seeking the presence of Christ through the ministry of gospel music. We sing genres that range from traditional to contemporary and always willing to witness the goodness of Christ through rehearsals, campus involvement, community performances and the everyday Christ-like collegiate walk. WU VOP contributes to the educational, cultural, and social climate of Winthrop University by Developing healthy human relationships, being aware of opportunities for social justice, encouraging the development of educational, personal, musical, and vocational skills. 
Planned Projects/Events: Annual Sunday Best Singing Competition, Fall Concert