Class List Server

To send a message to a class list, send a mail message to the appropriate list address.  Class list addresses are of the form



Valid Commands are:

  • To subscribe to a list, send a mail message to with the following in the body of the message:
    subscribe coursedesignator your_full_name
    example:    subscribe   BIOL205H001   John Smith
    After subscribing, you will receive a message stating "You have been subscribed to".  You may also receive a second message stating an error such as "already subscribed to this list" or "list does not exist".  You can ignore this error as long as you do receive the message stating "You have been subscribed".   
  • To unsubscribe from a list, send a mail message to with the following in the body of the message:
    unsubscribe coursedesignator
    example:    unsubscribe BIOL205H001  
  • To receive a list of currently subscribed members, send a mail message to with the following in the body of the message:
    list coursedesignator
    example: list BIOL205H001 
  • To receive help, send a mail message to with the following in the body of the message:
    help coursedesignator
    example:    help BIOL205H001


A List Server List is a dynamic, automated distribution list.  It receives a message and then re-sends the message to all subscribers.  Individuals can add and remove themselves from the List Server List at will.  List Server Lists are appropriate for discussion forums.

Shortly after the beginning of each fall and spring semester, lists will be created for each course and section being taught during the semester (lists are NOT automatically created during the summer).  This list will have the Winthrop e-mail address of the instructor of record and each registered student.  Students or instructors who do not have a Winthrop e-mail address at the time the list was created will not be automatically subscribed to the list.  Students who add classes after the initial listing is generated will not be automatically included in the list.   However, any student or instructor not automatically subscribed can still manually subscribe to the list by following the instructions below.

Students who withdraw from courses will not be automatically removed from the list, since that would also remove manual subscriptions.  Withdrawn students will need to unsubscribe (using the instructions below) if they do not want to continue receiving e-mail from the list for the rest of the semester.

If a user replies to a class listserv message, it will only be sent to the original sender rather than the entire class list. To reply to all subscribers of the list, please make sure the class listserv address is in the "To:" field before sending.

Only subscribers may e-mail messages to the class listserv. If you prefer to send messages from a non-Winthrop account or any other account that is not subscribed, please make sure you subscribe to the list from that address to prevent your messages from being rejected.

New class lists will be distributed to faculty on the first Monday or Tuesday of each Fall and Spring semester.  The lists will also be regenerated the following two Mondays. After the end of each semester, all class lists will be removed in preparation for the next semester. Lists are not generated for Summer terms.

Students who are correctly subscribed that report they are not receiving messages from the list should check their autoforward settings. If the Winthrop e-mail is being autoforwarded to another account or to an incorrect address, the student may not receive e-mail. Users having problems sending to the class lists should verify that their messages are composed in "plain text".  

When manually subscribing or unsubscribing using the instructions below, make sure to remove any extraneous information from the body of the e-mail. For example, remove any signatures and don't use special formatting such as bold.