Inserting Flip Tiles

Note: You must be an advanced author to gain access to this functionality. Please contact the Director of Web Development or the Web Developer to get access.

The Flip Tile component allows web authors to insert interactive image tiles onto their pages. When a website visitor hovers their mouse over or clicks on the image, the tile will flip over to show additional information and a link to another page or document. There are two styles of flip tiles to choose from: Rows of 2 or Rows of 3. The name just indicates how many tiles will fit per row—both styles will allow you to add as many flip tiles as you want and will automatically generate new rows as needed—but you do need to stick with one style per container (i.e. don't use both styles in the same container).


Flip Tiles (Rows of 2)

Rows of 2 will take up 50 percent of the screen on large monitors and 100 percent of the screen on small mobile devices. If you insert more than two flip tiles in the same container, new rows will automatically be created. You can resize your browser window to see how they appear at different screen sizes.

a student and professor meeting in her office



Main Text: a short paragraph letting users know what the link is for.

Link Text
a student working in the lab



Main Text: Can be up to 100 characters.

Sample Link

Flip Tiles (Rows of 3)

Rows of 3 will take up 30 percent of the screen on large monitors, 50 percent on medium monitors, and 100 percent of the screen on small mobile devices. If you insert more than three flip tiles in the same container, new rows will automatically be created. You can resize your browser window to see how they appear at different screen sizes.

two students walking in Carroll Hall



Main Text: Can be used to explain what the link is for.

Link Text
a professor talking to a student in class

A Longer Caption

A Longer Title

Main Text: A short paragraph up to 100 characters to give context to the flip tile.

Learn More
two students outside the racquetball courts in the West Center

Captions Can Be 30 Characters

Titles Can Be 30 Characters

Main Text: Can be 100 characters

Link Text Can Be 30 Characters

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Place your cursor in the area that you would like to insert the flip tiles, and click on the puzzle piece icon in the 2nd row of the toolbar.
    screenshot of the cms toolbar with the puzzle piece icon circled
  2. Click on Flip Tile Container and then Insert.
    screenshot of the choose snippet box with flip tile container circled
  3. Put your cursor inside the container box that appears on the page (TIP: Leave the "Insert Flip Tile Components Here" text for now — it's easy to accidentally delete the container when it's empty) and then click on the component icon in the 2nd row of the toolbar.
    screenshot of the flip tile component container
    screenshot of the cms toolbar with the component icon circled
  4. Choose the Flip Tiles style that you want to use—Rows of 2 or Rows of 3— and then click Insert. Remember that both styles will let you add as many flip tiles as you want to the container and will automatically generate new rows as needed.
    a screenshot of the choose component box with the two flip tile styles circled
  5. a screenshot of the edit component boxFill out the required elements in the Edit Component box and then click Save.
    1. Caption: Text that appears on the front of the flip tile. Limited to 30 characters.
    2. Image: Click on the button at the end of the input field to select an image from your uploadedImages folder. Square images that are at least 400px wide work best.
    3. Image Alternative Description: A short description of the photo to add context for accessibility. This will not be visible on the page.
    4. Title: Bolded text that appears at the top on the back of the flip tile. Limited to 30 characters
    5. Main Text: Text that appears on the back of the flip tile. Limited to 100 characters.
    6. Link: You can type or paste an external URL into the input field, or click the button at the end to select an internal webpage from one of your folders or a PDF from your uploadedFiles folder.
    7. Short Link Text: This is the text that will show up on the back of the flip tile. This can be something short like "Learn More" or "Register Here." When users click on it, they will be taken to the page or file you linked above. Limited to 30 characters.
    8. Link Title: A description of where the link goes for accessibility purposes. This will not be visible on the page, and needs to be more descriptive than "Learn More" or "Click Here" (TIP: A good option is to use the name of the file or page that you are linking to).
  6. A blue placeholder will appear on the page. Your flip tiles will appear normally after you save the page.
    a screenshot of a blue placeholder bar that says flip tiles rows of 2 inside the flip
                        tile container
  7. Repeat Steps 3-5 until you have as many flip tiles as you want. Remember that you are not limited to two or three per container, but all flip tiles in a container must be the same style—all "Flip Tiles (Rows of 2)" or all "Flip Tiles (Rows of 3)."
  8. If a flip tile accidentally inserts outside of the container, you can click and drag it back inside.
    a screenshot showing one placeholder outside of the container and an arrow pointing
                        from it to inside the container
  9. Once you have all of your flip tiles inserted, go ahead and backspace the "Insert Flip Tile Components Here" text. Be careful—it's easy to accidentally delete the whole container! If you do delete the whole container, just click Undo in the 1st row of the toolbar to get it back.
    a screenshot of the flip tile container with the words deleted
    a screenshot of the toolbar with the undo button circled
  10. To edit a flip tile, click on the blue placeholder, and then click the pencil icon. To delete a flip tile, click on the blue placeholder and then click the X.
    a screenshot of the placeholder with the edit and delete icons visible
  11. Remember to either "Save and Exit" if you want to make more edits later (the page will not be live) OR, simply click the green "Publish" button to make your changes live on the site.