File Naming
Naming Images & Other Files
For various reasons, including SEO (search engine optimization) and usability, we
encourage web authors to consider the following when naming images and files:
Brevity - Packing "keywords" into filenames rarely if ever improves SEO (for search engine
ranking) and should be avoided. Filenames should not be sentences, but rather words,
and should be short enough to discern what the file includes.
Relevance - Files should be named according to the information they contain, as many search
engines compare the contents and filenames for ranking purposes. The closer the relationship
between the filename and the content included in the file, the higher the content
will be ranked by a search engine.
Simplicity - Keep filenames simple and intelligible. When possible, use readable words rather
than ID numbers. Consider using friendly URLs for web page addresses to be shared
with the public.
Syntax - Avoid all special characters with the exception of the hyphen (dash). Remove all
spaces from file names.
Special Characters
- Some characters are reserved for special uses within web addresses (URLs), i.e. $,
&, +, /, =, ?, { }, [ ] , ( ), comma, apostrophe.
- Other characters may be misunderstood by the web browser and converted to the URL
encoded character. Ex. ? = %3F
- Please avoid spaces in all image and file names!
- Though Windows and Macintosh computers allow the use of spaces in filenames, the Web
is based on UNIX protocols that do not recognize spaces. The result of using spaces
could be broken links and/or confusion on behalf of the visitor because spaces often
are interpreted as %20 by web browsers.
- When a URL that includes an underscore is referenced in Word, e-mail, or even on some
websites, the underscore easily can be misinterpreted as a space since the programs
automatically apply an underline to web addresses. Remove any possibility of confusion
for your audience by avoiding underscores and using the hyphen or dash in naming files.
- Additionally, using hyphens may help with search engine optimization, because many
search engines will read hyphens as word separators and underscores as word joiners.
For example, web_test would be read as one word by a search engine, and web-test would be read as two keywords.
Be sure to keep image file names in mind also. Never use the default filename assigned to an image by a digital camera. Ex. WIN_0011.JPG, _DSC0015.JPG, IMG_2204.JPG, and the like. Use logical words for
naming images. Doing so will help with SEO and usability. In regards to SEO, by providing
search engines with textual information for images, your site will benefit from both
better placement in search returns and improved positioning in image search results.
Remember to use hyphens rather than underscores to separate words.