Buttons, Note Boxes and More

Note: You must be an advanced author to gain access to this functionality. Please contact the Director of Web Development or the Web Developer to get access.


The buttons component allows web authors to add one or more call-to-action buttons with consistent styling on their pages. The buttons can be centered, left-aligned or right-aligned, and will automatically stack on smaller screens when they cannot fit in a row. 

    1. Place your cursor in the area that you would like to insert the buttons, and then click on the component icon in the 2nd row of the toolbar.
      a screenshot of the cms toolbar with the component icon circled
    2. Click on Button Group from the component list, and then click Insert.
    3. Choose whether you want the button(s) to be left-aligned, centered or right-aligned.
    4. Fill out the details for the first button. The button text is what is visible on the page, and the title is what will display when someone hovers their mouse over the button without clicking. The title can be the same as the button text or it can be the name of the page you are linking to.
    5. To add an additional button, click Add New Group. 
    6. After you have added all of the buttons you need, click Save.
      1. Note: the buttons may appear squished together or not centered while you are editing the page. Once you save the page, they should appear normally.
    7. To edit or delete a button, click anywhere on the buttons and then click one of the icons that appears at the bottom:
      1. To edit an individual button, click the pencil icon. You can then edit the details for any of the buttons.
      2. To delete an individual button, click the pencil icon to open the edit screen and then click the x in the upper right corner of the group for the button you want to delete.
      3. To delete the entire group of buttons, click the x icon that appears at the bottom of the component
    8. Once you are done editing, save and publish your page normally.

Note Boxes

The special note boxes component allows web authors to add specially styled boxes to draw attention to especially important information. This component should be used sparingly for short notes that visitors to the page might miss. The component has four different colors built in and allows for text styling (bold, italic, etc.), lists or links to be included.

    1. Place your cursor in the area that you would like to insert the buttons, and then click on the component icon in the 2nd row of the toolbar.
      a screenshot of the cms toolbar with the component icon circled
    2. Click on the Special Note Box from the component list and then click Insert.
    3. Choose the color from the radio buttons, and then type the note into the text box. Click on the three dots to see all of the text editing options.
      1. Important: If you are going to copy and paste text into the text editing section, you must click the three dots and then the "Paste as Text" icon indicated below before you paste your text in.
        screenshot of the text editor with the paste as text icon circled
    4. Click Save.
    5. To edit or delete a button, click anywhere on the buttons and then click one of the icons that appears at the bottom: the pencil icon to edit or the x icon to delete.
    6. Once you are finished editing, save and publish the page like you normally would.