Pride Point Boxes

Note: You must be an advanced author to gain access to this functionality. Please contact the Director of Web Development or the Web Developer to get access.

For departments that wish to create webpages to advertise minors or other non-degree programs, the pride point component lets web authors use the same three-card layout that can be found on each bachelor's degree program's major page.


students smiling while taking notes at a table and listening to the professor


One or two sentences for the main text.

students smiling in class

Slightly Longer Header

The boxes will resize to stay the same height based on which card has the longest main text.

a professor talking to two students in front of a world map

The header text is optional, so you can just include main text if you prefer this look.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Place your cursor in the area that you would like to insert the pride points boxes, and then click on the component icon in the 2nd row of the toolbar.
    screenshot of the cms toolbar with the component icon circled
  2. Click on Pride Points from the component list, and then click Insert.
    screenshot of the component list with pride points circled
  3. Fill out the details for each of the three boxes (Group 1 - Group 3), and then click Save.
    screenshot of the pride point card details screen
    1. Important: If you are going to copy and paste text into the text editor, you must click the three dots and then the "Paste as Text" icon indicated below before you paste your text in.
      screenshot of the text editor toolbar with the paste as text icon circled
  4. To edit or delete the boxes, click anywhere in the Pride Point boxes and then click one of the icons that appears at the bottom: the pencil icon to edit or the X icon to delete.
  5. Once you are done editing, save and publish your page normally.